Sunday, April 30, 2006

Spiritual Warfare

Satan's pretty crafty, but he always ends up making the same, horribly unoriginal mess in other people's lives. It makes me sad, warrior-ish-ly (no, it's not a word, I just made it up in my 11:33 stupor - it's MY blog after all!) angry, and ready to fight him. Not alone though.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil - FOR YOU ARE WITH ME!

I prayed this tonight, regarding two of my dear friends' marriage. One walks through the valley of the shadow of her marriage's death, trying desperately to fear no evil. She knows that God is with her, and the legions of supporters she has (even if they don't totally get it) do too. The other is walking through the valley of the demonic shadows of sexual addiction, less confident and shaking in his boots like the terrified child within. His faith is being tried here, and the more he tries to do this on his own, the less certain he becomes about whether God is with him. I'm praying that his heart increases in repentance, allowing his eyes to lock into the Light of the Lord, and follow it out of this terrifying valley.

Continued prayers of protection are uttered for their three precious little girls. They make my heart well with joy as I see them weather this storm with relative ease. It's proof our prayers are being heard.

For those who don't know much about sexual addiction, here are some terrific resources:

Dr. Doug Weiss

Dr. Pat Carnes

Consequences of Sexual Addiction

It's not like lust is a new drug in Satan's bag of tricks...but the concentration of sex in our technologically driven society has opportunities everywhere, tv, movies, video games, stores, commercials - and now with cyberspace, lust has morphed into the emotional drug which is, from what I've seen, about as tough to kick as methamphetamines. It's horrible.

And, it's personal. You see, Charlie Brown has faced this struggle as well. I'm remembering the pains from the lowest points in our lives, and it flat out stinks. Worse yet, I hate that Satan's laughing at us all as he stirs the pot in our church family.

But, to quote Superchik:
"We're not done yet
Not going quietly into the night,
Not me and my friends..."

Saturday, April 29, 2006

God of Wonders

I can't help but be awed by the miracle of life.

Today I received news that Young Married Couple had had their baby boy. Flashing in my inbox was the following new mail:

Young Married Couple had a beautiful baby boy last night.

His name is Baby Hank.
He weighs 3lbs 12oz – 17.5 inches long

Both Hank and Mommy are doing well.

Mommy went into labor last night and Baby Hank was born around 4AM this morning. Unfortunately, they needed to deliver Hank via a C-section operation. Praise God for His protective hand taking care of them both last night.

Hank is breathing on his own and Mommy’s platelet count is up this morning (50,000 yesterday ->75,000 today) without any other intervention last night to raise that count.

Thank you for the prayers that have been offered on behalf of this sweet family. Please keep them in your prayers today during this important time of development for Hank and healing for Mommy.
Just 3 weeks ago, we'd heard the news about her body's struggle with platelets/white blood cells. Now, baby Hank is here, 7 weeks premature - miraculously hale and breathing on his own, and Mommy is not bleeding to death, as doctors had previously predicted when talking of delivery prior to a platelet count of 100,000.
Our God is an awesome God...

Friday, April 28, 2006


Ok...another sexually awkward post, but from a completely different angle.

Punkinhead has become obsessed with breasts. Particularly mine.

It just came out of nowhere. One day he was sitting on my lap, and he went to cop a feel of the girls. I moved his hand and said, "No baby, those are mine." big deal, right? Wrong.

Since that first groping, he now cops a feel anytime he's near me, smiles his "Dennis the Menace" smile, and says, "Mama, I touch your ubus, hehehehe." The first time I heard the girls referred to as ubus, all I could think of was that old ad that ran after tv shows of my youth. I mistakenly shared this withCharlie Brown, and now, he talks to my chest, "Sit Ubus sit. Good girls."

The other thing that Punkinhead began doing is when he throws a tantrum (not uncommon for him, he is after all 2), he'll hit my breasts. I'm not comfortable with the symbolic misogyny of this kind of aggression, and he gets a BIG talking to, time-out, etc. Just for clarification- ANY aggression is a big no-no for this Mommy, but I'm particularly troubled by the long-term, implicit meanings attached to acts of ubu aggression.

Then....maternal doubt:
Did I nurse him too long or not long enough? Did that Victoria's Secret ad trigger this?

No, having talked to other mommies of boys, this is a somewhat normal phase.

This relieves me, but at the same time, I am freaked out by this norm, almost as much as I am with my knowledge of Freud's theory of the Oedipal Complex. This filial fondling is just not something you want to think about, much less are taught when learning about human development/parenting/gender differences, etc as I did as a coed majoring in psychology.

Perhaps even more discomfiting than the ubu experience is my extrapolation of the Oedipal complex, and the conclusion I've arrived at as the mother of a boy.

Think of Pavlov's dogs.

Then think about parenting roles in western society.

Who usually changes diapers? Mommy.

What does a diaper change usually entail? Cleaning a baby's more primitive, pleasure areas.

So for a baby boy, early penile stimulation is generally going to be associated with Mommy's face looking down at him. Freaky, huh?

Especially freaky for me is the fact that my mother-in-law is also a red-head!

So much for intellectual discovery, best for me to use another Freudian mechanism regarding this: REPRESSION.

Thoughts about church

This has been on my heart a lot lately, and some people may be threatened by this non-traditional view I'm having, so rather than speak it, I'm going to blog it....for now anyway.

The other day, my day-care provider, B, and I were talking about our church. B is new to this kind of church, having been raised Lutheran, and is really working to develop a personal faith of her own. Her son is in 5th grade and recently told her he doesn't like the new Sunday school curriculum, b/c it's boring and "just like school." Charlie Brown and I taught his class last quarter, under the "old" curriculum, but know what? We didn't follow it 100%. Instead of focusing our questions and discussions solely around the kids - (which when you think about talking sin and shortcomings to the still relatively black and white thinkers present at ages 10-12, and their desire to please, they're not going to admit ANYTHING!) we prefaced a lot of it with our own struggles and experiences, and as such, got much higher participation from the kids. I guess, from what B told me, the new curriculum for the children's classes are much more worksheet oriented. This is too bad, because how are kids supposed to learn about the relational side of Christ from a two-dimensional sheet of paper? Concept application is not such a strength at this age, and in my opinion, modeling behavior is a much better teacher for this group. I told B that too, asking if she had approached the new children education coordinators about this.

I got to thinking about it, and it seems to carry over into our adult programs too. It being this scholastic, approach to our spirituality at church. Now, I am NOT saying we don't need to study the Word to deepen our walk with Christ - because I wholeheartedly believe that we do.

But...I wonder.......

My church is a particular flavor of Christianity that is relatively young in comparison, to say, the Catholic and/or Anglican churches, and has a vision that seeks to be Bible-based, God and Christ-centered, and resemble the church in the New Testament. All of which are great things in my book.

But then, if we look at how we spend our time together in church on a Sunday morning...
**45 minutes Sunday school - which is usually study, versus personal testimonies
**15 minutes recess/visiting

Our service is typically 90 minutes, and if it's broken down, usually looks like this - in no particular order:

**45 minute sermon
**10 minute announcements/prayer - be with the sick, job-seeking, etc - nothing really personal in most cases
**15 minute communion/offering
**20 minute songs and praise

Out of a weekly 2 1/2 hours, only 35 minutes is active praising the Lord and remembering what He has done for us. 1 1/2 hours is academic study of the Word. A mere 15 minutes to visit (none if you're the mommy like me chasing down kids and finding a place to sit) and be relational with church family. And 10 minutes of business-like prayer.

So, I wonder...did the Corinthians talk at length about the letters they'd received from Paul - to the point that it grossly outweighed their time of fellowship and worship to the Lord? I don't know - but I sure don't picture it that way.

Where is our time of sharing how the Lord has worked in the lives of those beyond the preacher in the church this week?

Where is the confession of sins? By the way, Biblical scholars agree that "The Greek word hamartia is often translated as sin in the New Testament; it means "to miss the mark" or "to miss the target"." So, if we bear that in mind, and also heed James 5:16, shouldn't everyone be going forward to the congregation on Sunday, instead of only those with scandalous secret sins, i.e. adultery, addictions, etc? Somehow it seems people have decided that sin worthy of confession are those which violate a commandment of God, a la the Old Testament - when in fact, anything that misses the mark for God's will in our lives, an unkind word, road rage, bitterness, etc, should be confessed so that we can become better!

Where is the adoration and worship of the Lord, not constrained by time or tradition? Who decided 4 praise songs, 1 communion song, and 1 invitation, or any other "theme" for worship? Where is the priority placed when active worship - read audience participation - accounts for little more than 1/10th of the Sunday service?

I know, I know...we as individuals can increase our worship in our households and personal lives. I just can't explain that connection I feel to the Lord when my spiritual family is communing with me in that process - and would like more of it.

I LOVE my church family - they're my closest friends in the world. And I LOVE our preacher, and the way his sermons steer me to self-examination and motivation, as well as how this exact thing has promoted unity within our body as people are more focused on where their hearts are, as opposed to judging others.

I'm probably one of few who would like to meet longer and more frequently, but in addition to that, I'd like to share more, encourage more, and worship more with my family - and with things the way they are right now - there's just not much time allocated for that. There are so many secret hurts among us, I know, and how do we foster an environment to share, trust, and lean upon each other with such ugly burdens? Certainly not in these tailored services....hurt just doesn't fit that mold, and we're creatures of habit.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Miss Munkey!

One of my good net friend's birthday is today. On her blog entry today, it would appear her dh forgot. Did he actually forget, or is it just a male thing to brush aside? Do we women expect too much???????????? (Okay, any men on here - do NOT answer that!) *giggle*

Miss Munkey - to answer your question, we ALL need birthdays! We all need to feel appreciated, loved, and revered at some point in life - particularly from the ones we love the most! And, what better days to feel that way than birthdays, anniversaries, and the appropriate parental day assigned to us?

Sadly...I don't think this non-action is a limited phenomenon. Actually, I KNOW it's not, b/c, to quote myself:

It's the same thing here, except...get this, my b'day is usually a two-fer, counting as Mother's Day too, periodically it is the same day, mostly it's close to it. I'll be 27, so even that is similar - you sure you aren't my cosmic big sister? LOL ;) My Charlie Brown does the same thing...his income fluctuates, and May is always a tight month. I always hint about all the sentimental, inexpensive - ok FREE- things he could do, and what happens? Nada. This year, I threw him a surprse b'day party - he turned 3-0, and wrote him a book, based on a marriage class experience, and personalized it for him....I'm hoping for some kind of reciprocation.
For those who are interested, here's the "book" I made for Charlie Brown:

Remembering the Shiny Side:

Why I Love You

A wise person I know once said,
“The character traits of our loved ones are like coins~ the side we see now may be the dirty and dull side of the coin after years of weathering, but if we turn it back over, the shiny side is still there...Those things we love in our mates are still there, have always been there, we just forget to look at the shiny side.”

So, dear husband, I commit to remembering the shiny side of you.
This book is for you to see into my heart and know just why it is I love you. It’s also for me…
I will have this book to remind me of the gleaming goodness in you when the daily grind tries to tarnish over it.
I will remember just how good we’ve got it together.

For the times when I am aggravated by what appears to be immaturity….

I will remember that you have an eternal youthfulness about you, by which you are filled with hope, idealism, and faith that good and God will prevail.
I admire that about you.

For the times I when I wish you would just be serious…

I will remember the ease that your sense of humor provides when we’re in hard times.
I will remember that you desire, more than anything, for people to be happy, and you strive to achieve that with your fun-loving wit.

For the times when I’m impatient because you are quiet…

I will remember your caring heart, knowing that you are thoughtfully considering whatever it is on your mind, and will trust you to share it with me in your time.
I love your tender heart and promise to remember it more.

For the times you are tired and not helping around the house…

I will remember how hard you work for us every day, and count it a blessing to have a man so committed to providing for his family.

For the times when I come home that the house is a wreck and the kids are crazy …

I will remember that you are a wonderful father, who actively plays with his children, and that takes more time and means more to them than a clean house.
I love that our children know their father adores them.

For the times I complain I don’t have enough of your time for myself…

I will remember your love for other people, how that attracted me to you in the first place, and that I’m the same way.

But most of all…

I will remember that you are and have always been my best friend, and that has never changed.

I will remember that you are my partner in life and love, sharing my joys and sadnesses, my victories and defeats, my gains and losses, my hopes and struggles, my “all of me.”

I will remember that I promised to do
the very same for you.
Happy 30th Birthday, Love!
Yours always,


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Da Va Vinci Code

Yeah.... I read it. FINALLY - it's only been out for what, 2 years?

Oh, and lemme answer the next question;
Yes, I am a Christian, and no, I'm not offended by the book -

I thought it was really cool, the twists and turns it took, a great thriller with a multitude of bits of historical fact woven wildly about with much creative license. It's not meant to make the Bible null and void, or to outrightly say the Catholic church and other Christian groups are really the bad guys. The story may hint at this, but that's just it, it's a STORY, not a proven article in a research magazine. To me, I appreciate the thought that it provokes re: early Christianity, paganism, and the effects both still have in our society today. As a critical thinker, I think it's great that there's a book that might make someone question their faith - perhaps they will do the digging to make their faith their own instead of blindly following religious tradition of their families?

I guess I just don't get all the hullabaloo that some religious organizations have with this book. Other than the one part of the plot that states Jesus was in fact NOT divine, I don't know that anything else written in the book would change my spiritual beliefs if they were true.

No where in the Bible does it say that Jesus was unmarried - it's always inferred. And, given that Jewish men were married off fairly young by our modern standards, wouldn't it have made sense that Jesus would have been identified as single, since it would have been an oddity for a man of 30-some years to not have a wife? Perhaps he was married, does that make Him any less Divine to me?


In fact, if it happened that way, his statements about looking at a woman lustfully = adultery have even more significance to me, because he was able to intimately know a wife's perspective on that issue. It's an insignificant matter of dispute for me - to me what made Jesus Divine was His Parentage, His Birth, The Miracles, His Death, Burial, and Resurrection. His teachings of Love, Compassion, and Service are what make me a better person to those around me, and I believe my acceptance of His Boundless Grace is the recquisite for me to enter Heaven someday....If I'm wrong about eligibilty for Heaven, at least I've lived a life of Love in my attempt to be Christ-like, and who can begrudge that?

The beauty of His incarnation, is that as a human, He experienced being hungry, having to pee, and sexual urges. He understands what it is to be on this earth, and knows the hardships of humanity. The Bible says Jesus ate, drank, slept, wept, and was cold at times, and rather than denying His Divinity, these facts reinforce the Humanity of His time on earth. Would it change anything if He had loved a woman romantically and had a pure marriage involving sexuality as God the Father intended?

Not for this believer. There's no sin in this theory, as far as I can see - doesn't change my Deity.

Also...I forgot to mention the whole thematic of the Sacred Feminine. I actually don't disagree. The Bible says man and woman were made in God's image - something that has always made me picture a duality of gender when I think of God - though I call Him He.

As for the book, again, it's FICTION. We can read fictional books about mice who talk without feeling reality as we know it is threatened, so why is this so hard for people to accept?

LOL...I feel like I walked back in time

with regard to sexual embarrassment.

I've had an IUD forever it seems like - about 2 1/2 years, and one before we decided to try for Punkinhead. Birth control is not an issue.

However, since I've started my antidepressants, I've become, ahem Blushy a lot more acidic than Charlie Brown's, ahh, sensitive skin can handle. Sorry if this is TMI - but you gotta see where I'm going with it. So, to avoid chemical burns on a certain member (hee hee, sorry couldn't resist) of the family, we're back to using condoms, no big deal.

Today, he informs me we're out and asks me to pick some up with a Wink knowing nod. No big deal - I long ago got over this social phobia letting a cashier see I was sexually active - right?

Yeah...until I go to Wal-mart, and after I've paid and go to leave, the door alarms go off. I thought it was most likely the two-for-one mascara pack I'd purchased. No, the two Grandmas at the door squawk loudly, "(Br-aaawwwk, like a parrot) it's the LIFESTYLES CONDOMS! Ma'am, can we see your receipt for these LIFESTYLES CONDOMS?" People are literally pointing and giggling to themselves in the store - I'm not just saying that out of paranoia! It was the archetypal worst nightmare of a teenager.

Embarrassing at the moment, comic relief now...I'll have a fun story Laughing 2 to share with Charlie Brown tonight.

Ten Simple Pleasures

Amy tagged me for this Meme....

"Name ten of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick ten people to do the same. Try to be original and creative and not to use things that someone else has already used."In no particular order…

1. My every other Wednesday off work with kids at's TODAY!!! :)
2. A "big hug" from Punkinhead - this is his version of a bear hug and VERY tight!
3. Inside jokes with a devious Charlie, the man makes me laugh without saying a word
4. Sunday worship with my church family
5. Walks and moreso, TALKS, with my girlfriends
6. Finishing a crossword puzzle sans the answer key
7. Physical touch - platonic or romantic - this is my primary love language
8. Writing something good, of substance and creativity
9. Helping others
10. Hearing LMNOB's spirituality set in at such a young age

I could go on and on, but will go with Amy's trend and round it out with an even dozen

11. The view of Long's Peak on our neighborhood trails - I'll have to post later
12. Gardening with Charlie Brown and LMNOB - the inexplicable pride and excitement over tiny little sprouts

So now...10 people who haven't done this (or will?)? I can do 50% perhaps.
Leigh Hope
Big'n'Tall Brother
Miss Munkey

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What's that Door Hanging Open For?

In all my moanings and groanings to the Father, you think He may have known all along that it would work out? I seriously wonder sometimes if He doesn't just sit there and laugh at our stupidity and the things we get all worked up over....

Sunday at church, a friend who's nearing retirement and, let's see, uhm, a bit of a redneck hunter, had a comment perfect for this scenario. He said, "It's kind of like when we have a dog tied to a tree. The dumb things inevitably wrap themselves up til there's no where to go and then they panic. I've never for the life of me figured out why they don't just go back around the tree and untangle themselves - it's not a hard deduction to make, but they just get so focused on the fact that they are stuck. So, I go and untangle the fool animal, and I think that must be how God feels when we get ourselves in a bind."

My bind? For six months now, I've been looking for work, FT in particular, to defray costs that are continuing to rise. It all started in October, when the City I work for announced huge insurance premium increases, particularly for PT employees - and I happened to be PT with full family coverage, as it was cheaper for us than the plan offered to charlie Brown. We couldn't lose insurance, but we couldn't pay over $800/month for health coverage. I saw it as a sign that I needed other work. But, when it became clear I wasn't securing anything for the beginning of the year, we sought private healthcare. It's an PPO, has a fairly high deductible, but for our routine care, it's affordable. After continuous job rejections, my depression set in...and then our finances go to pot. I've gotten myself to the end of that rope...straining and straining, yelping for God to come bail me out.

Enter a door, swinging wide open...opportunity needn't have even knocked.

The Boss informed me yesterday that I may have the opportunity to latch onto another PT job. The Colorado Interagency Council on Homelessness (CICH) is conducting a point-in-time count of homeless persons across the state in August. Each county has been instructed to designate their own coordinator, as there will be volunteer recruitments, trainings to service providers in the county, etc. that the coordinators will have to oversee prior to the count. This kind of intensive count would leverage resources statewide for the most needy, as the feds are really cracking down on the regions who are more laissez-faire about their homeless populations.

Most people know that budget scenarios for our local governments are pretty sad right now, and people are doing more with less. This is very true for our region. To add a time-intensive project like this on top of what other government employees are already doing is near impossible. The Boss proposed that the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland, the County, and our United Way all partner to hire a ½ time employee to do this, and she’s offered me up – knowing my job search situation and experience within the homeless service providers community. This is a very economical proposal for the involved entities, especially since there will be no added office space costs with me using what I currently have available to me. It is a temporary position, and would span May to August, should all the government authorities adopt the proposal – we’re still waiting to hear back from Fort Collins and United Way.

This will be a huge help to the finance mess I've gotten us into with respect to the whole finances thing, as well as be a VERY nice addition to my resume.

Makes me wonder...has Big Daddy Upstairs been rolling his eyes and laughing at my straining this whole time?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Patches of Blue Sky

The storm clouds are starting to dissipate.

Last night was Date Your Mate (p.5), for which Charlie Brown and I were desperately in need of. We'd thought to go play tennis, but our rackets are buried deep in the pits of the junk in our garage (suffice it to say, our garage is a very unorganized store-all for us), and I didn't feel like putting my back out to get at them. We ended up dropping the kiddos off, calling my brothers to beg $20 off them (CB is paid on Tuesday and will get us back out of the red), and took our black baby, Gracie, to the dog park near our house. I fell in love with a boxer pup there...getting a hankering for another 4-legged baby.

After thoroughly wearing her out, we took Gracie home and ourselves out to dinner.

Buffalo Wild Wings it was last night, and tasty at that.

I was still somewhat withdrawn, just not engaging easily. Charlie Brown addressed it, it being my depressive funk, first. He told me he knew that I was depressed and taking meds and all that, and this week just kind of catapulted me into a big hole, and what frustrated him the most was my statements along the lines of people being better without me. He then gave a very convincing dissertation about just how many people felt the opposite, and why. It's an uneasy, almost embarrassing thing for me to hear accolades for myself - depressed or not, it's just hard for me to accept that the person being talked of is yours truly. This surprises a lot of people who know me in real life - I carry myself with quite a bit of confidence and grace, or so I'm told; but inside, I'm just a little girl.

I hadn't shared much about the group with him Thursday night - I was pretty emotional while there, and trying to process it all by the time I'd gotten home. In other words, I was incommunicado and almost trancelike. So I told him that one of the things I'd gotten out of it was hearing that I wasn't alone in my thoughts, being able to say that my head knows such things aren't true, but that knowledge alone doesn't change what my heart so intensely feels. Charlie Brown seemed to get that, and asked me to just think of him and the kids with my head when my heart was trying to get the best of me.

We then walked around, browsing Home Depot's garden center, dreaming about our backyard's potential. Jasmine and crabapple blossoms perfumed the air, leaning the ambiance towards a little springtime twitterpation for Charlie Brown and his pretty little red-haired girl. Holding hands, we reminisced about how LMNOB used to call Home Depot the "Daddy Store," at first, later updated it to the "Home Store," and finally, succumbing to the proliferation of commercial marketing this last football season, she proudly announces, "there's a Home Depot..." at any sighting of their logo.

Out in the parking lot, my beloved blockhead (and I mean that in the most endearing way!) opened my door for me and embraced me, showering a series of tender kisses on my trembling lips. My heart sang, "My lover is mine, and I am his!" Who says romance has to be expensive and showy? Here I was giddy with a few heartfelt touches in the Home Depot lot...or, am I just a cheap date? LOL

We picked the kiddos up, settled them into bed at home, and celebrated the rest of our night together.

This morning, I'm feeling much better than I have in weeks...motivated to get to work at cleaning our home - which is much needed as we're hosting our Life Group from church. Love can conquer all, it seems, when that marital love combines with the most Divine Love of all; Christ Jesus, and His miraculous interventions in our everyday lives. We just have to let Him work.

Thanks to all who've been praying for me...

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I can see clearly now the rain is gone...
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Friday, April 21, 2006


***all names have been changed

We met in the basement of a church. Passed a can around for donations, checked in, and then broke into smaller groups. Very AA.

I was nervous, having recognized one of my former clients from the mental health center, irrationally afraid that someone would shout, "She's an imposter! She's not like us!" and some of them would be right. Despite all of our money issues, Seth and I are not low-income as several in the room were. I felt like if they knew me and my personal situation, they would ask me to leave because in their minds I could afford better. But the truth is, I can't.

I mostly just observed, feeling just flat.

My emotions had been all over the place today. The Boss was back to herself, mostly, we'd talked and joked about the fact that we'd both chosen rugged brown leather sandals and had bright toe polishes on. (Not an uncommon occurrence - we often dress similarly by complete chance, causing others to joke about my job duties including coordination of apparel) I worried about her yesterday, because there are several flags going up for me about her own mental health - she reported no sleep at all the night before, she's stressed about minutia, i.e. spilling coffee, and she self-reported she "wasn't herself." But as we laughed, my brain started to play tricks on me. See, you're ok. You're making too big a deal out of this whole depression thing.

Back to the group.

We broke out, and my group had two female facilitators, one older and one quite a bit younger. The older facilitator was soft-spoken and very well versed in mood disorders - later she revealed that she is a private practice MH therapist. The younger facilitator was a sweet girl who's very outspoken and forthcoming, but has had a rough go at life it would seem. We had to identify with a color at the introductions and she had chosen "one of those multi-color nailpolishes - sparkly at the surface, but pretty dark underneath."

Three "oldtimers" and two newbies comprised the rest of us, including myself. The other newbie was a relatively young (I can't guess ages very well) new mother who'd recently attempted suicide, thinking her baby would have a better life with her sister than as the child of a single parent. One of the oldtimers, I'll call her Bobbi, was rougher around the edges, and as her story unraveled, I gathered she is a motorcycle mechanic, married, and has grown children who are making poor choices in life right now. Bobbi talked alot, and she had plenty of reason - a lot on her plate, made me feel a bit less than worthy to be there, in comparison. Then there was Sally, a rather sedate, prim looking middle aged woman. If I had to guess, I'd say she were a housewife, but she didn't say. She'd attempted suicide in November, via overdose, and talked about struggling with getting the appropriate dosage of meds. She has bipolar disorder and is so much chemically higher than most people, that large doses of sedating mood stabilizers are just keeping her at baseline, when others would be conked out by them. And there was Ralph, who asked me about where I worked at the mental health center when I revealed that. Other than that, he didn't contribute much but some advice on pain management.

So much hurt was in this room, and I'm relating to it all. Then it's my turn.
I told them my diagnosis came from my PCP and not a MH worker..mostly because I used to be a MH worker and I knew what my diagnosis was. Told them I've been on meds for over 3 mos, and the first 6-8 weeks had been fine, a dramatic improvement from the fog I had been in. But as the current events have unfolded - and I told them all of that - I've been slipping back into that mode. So, since I knew about this group b/c my office funds it, I came tonight.

Bobbi got to asking Sally about whether she thought of her attempt much. She did, and Bobbi began talking about her scars on her arms from a previous attempt. Bobbi has a cover story for people who she doesn't really want to know the truth when they ask.

I kind of glazed over, getting absorbed in the pain of my thoughts recently. I don't know if it showed, or it was just common courtesy, but Bobbi asked me, "What about you, do you feel safe?"

And it all just came spilling out.

I don't know if I'm safe or not. I mean I'd like to think I would never do anything, but stuff has been on my mind lately far more than it should be. And here's the kicker, my husband thinks suicide is so selfish, but in my reality, it has nothing about me getting away from the pain, and everything to do with the idea that people would be better off without me. I feel like I keep dragging those who are close to me down, and I could free them from that burden which is me. I know in my head that's probably not true, but the feelings of this just overwhelm at times. I don't want to turn into my past - I've tried so hard to escape it, but now here I am with the legacy of mood disorder weighing in on me. Will it completely destroy me to a person incapacitated by fear? It's just so hard to see past the moment...

And then...validation. I'm not alone in feeling this way, they've all thought about the other people in their lives too.

I think I'll be back next week. I hope that Seth will be with me the next time they have a family night - he didn't want to go last night.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fears and Confessions...

of a Middle-Class American WOH-Mommy

-I wish I could just evaporate into a world where all I did was sit, write, sing, and talk all day. No kids, no Charlie Brown, no work, no $ issues, etc etc.

-I'm afraid that my mental state will keep me bound within the confinements of my white-trash background

-I'm afraid that I've become my mother, who btw is now back at her vocational stomping grounds of bartending and waitressing after a 5 year stint as a non-profit director

-I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, considering wages for my line of work aren't real liveable

-I fear becoming limited to secretarial types of jobs b/c of where I'm at now - and that I won't achieve my full potential

-I hate sounding so victim-ish

-I feel lost

-I feel weak

-I love my kids to death, but am not so enthralled with motherhood

-I worry that my depression will be inherited by them, and that makes me really sad - no one should have to deal with this!

-I haven't really prayed in a long time - been relying on the Holy spirit to intercede for me

-I called one of our grantees, the Suicide Resource Center (no, they don't assist with suicides, ;) sorry - can't resist - I think their name is somewhat of a misnomer), and revealed my depression so that I could find out their depression support group's time and locations. IT's kinda like an AA for depressed and bi-polar folks, and I'll go tonight.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Passing of a friend

Close family friend who's been our ever present addition to the pile of requests on God's "To-Do List" passed away today.

It stinks, because just last week, things were looking better for him.

MIL just sent me an e-mail about an hour ago with a brief line saying he'd passed, the doctors had had to do another surgery, and he just didn't make this one.

Please keep his wife and children in your prayers....they've had a rough few months.

Enter Psych Ward

I haven't, but maybe I should.

This weekend heaped more burning coals on the pile of ashes that is me. I feel more dead inside after Easter weekend than I should, what with knowing my Savior is resurrected and living in me.

My mother...needy as always, informed me that she's "Struggling with depression and things too," and tried valiantly to put me back in my place of her own personal armchair shrink.

Sorry, can't do it Ma.

Cold, unsympathetic? Perhaps.

Smart? Indubitably so.

Her beef was with our time distribution while we were in the wonder town of Craig for the holiday as she was considerably shortchanged. Some of this was her own doing, in choosing to spend most of the day on Saturday away at her new step-son's baseball game when she knew we were in town. Also factoring in, was the tendency of my IL's and Seth to consider activities beyond their realm of enjoyment. In otherwords, their planning usually doesn't carve out time for Seth and I to go visit my mother and listen to her "Woh-wa-Woh Wa-woh-wa-woh..." (That's supposed to sound like the Peanuts adults, btw) - and this leaves Seth feeling like he's missed out on something BIG with his family should he dutifully support me in visiting my familial purgatory....not quite hell, and definitely not heaven.

Insecure natural family + mostly together though somewhat dysfunctional in-laws = me in the middle....

Me in the middle + (mental instability caused by chemicals x overwhelming recent situational factors)/antidepressants = one pathetic me

One pathetic me + defensive begrudging Seth = Big Fight

Get the picture?


We get home yesterday with 15 minutes to spare before I have to be at work (consideration thing again) and my work environment is icy. I'm at a loss - don't know what else to do - have done my "corrective action" as laid out in my write-up by apologizing to all parties involved, who all think I'm nuts for making a big deal out of it. I go to the library and there is carpet installation stuff EVERYWHERE - they failed to communicate to us that this is STILL going on. Caterer is not there. Panic sets in - Not again!

Two commissioners arrive and one of them, a nice, practical woman who is dear to me, says, "How are you doing, dear?"

I tell her fine-as soon as I figure out where the caterer is.

Concerned, her brows furrow and she questions me about my blood pressure. She expresses she is worried about me.

My bp is fine, I have historically always had very low BP (other than when preeclamptic with LMNOB). It's my heart that's broken.

"You're not pregnant are you?"

"Oh, no, I have an IUD and the chances of that are slim to nothing." Honestly, I felt like I was now on the medical history microscope - analytical Ann just wanted to know the reason for my profuse apology last week, and thought a medical/psychological condition was the most logical reason why.

Maliciously, my mind started thinking of snide alternate answers.

Actually, if you must know, I'm ovulating right as we speak and my husband and I had sex twice this weekend at his parents' house, so you never know, eh?

No, I don't have anything physically wrong with me, I'm just an overemotional basket case.

Just tell the truth - without all the gory details.

"Actually, Ann, let me stop your speculating. If you must know the e-mail was precipitated by the disciplinary action I received because of the scheduling mishap." My lip trembled and I looked down, feeling my face go hot. "Now, I really have to go find that caterer's number - excuse me."

Deep breath in...

Long story short - the caterer goofed his schedule up and came up with a late and last minute attempt to rectify the situation. Everyone's oohs and aaahs indicated he was successful. I, however, felt it was one more ding on my record - despite having gotten the confirmation that this was completely out of my hands and bringing it back to the Boss. As she sat there, two commissioners lectured me about how I needed to let go of the events last week, that it really was ok.

I'm screaming inside.

I was sorry and going to e-mail everyone a "sorry for the inconvenience" e-mail, but the mea culpa you got instead was because I was MADE to send it! Tell HER it's ok, not me! I'm paying for it...paying for something that was "no big deal!"

I think the Boss may be enjoying this, and quickly put it out of my head - she's my friend, right?

The rest of the night goes without a hitch. I go to go home and am hit with the overwhelming pressures coming at me in all directions.

We're in the red - how are we going to pay for things? Is work ever going to get better? I'm a liability to everyone who matters right now - Seth, mother, the Boss, IL's, even my kids are getting a shabby mother at this point in life. I'm a screw-up. I used to help people like me - I'm a client. I'm losing it - totally over the edge losing it.

I listen to James Blunt's Tears and Rain (yeah, also on the cd from brother) on the way home, and nod along, knowing just how the lyrical writer feels. I sobbed all the way there....tired of feeling like everyone's problem that drags them down. I'm feeling like I need to go to the psych ward. I'm the crazy lady who's thinking of things she shouldn't be. Weighing the options. Do sane people even think like this?

Tell Seth about my night. He's mad at me. I got a ticket for speeding in January (I'd forgotten about it), hadn't told him, and now it's more b/c I didn't go to the court date. Bills saying we're behind came in the mail. He's trying to be caring, but he's worn out and angry about the money issues. Kids are put to bed.

I'm sitting there thinking about whether they'd be better if I were gone. It'd hurt and there'd be guilt and anger for awhile, but overall, they wouldn't have to deal with my craziness, my instability over the next lifetime. Would it be better for me to spend my life in hell to give them a chance at happiness on earth? No I can't do it. I'm a coward, and things hurt. I'm not given to cutting or hurting myself. I think about tylenol, knowing overdose of acetaminophen activates liver failure. I also know that alcohol and acetaminophen hurts the liver even more. But what if it doesn't work, and I'm a vegetable for the rest of my life- think of the irony with regards to feeling like a burden on people.

Seth's paging my name as I look aimlessly at the stove.

I can't tell him this - he doesn't understand. He thinks it's totally selfish, when instead, I'm thinking about everyone else. Back to normal. Sit and watch tv.

This morning, I called a friend, and told her some of my thoughts. Not the how's but more of the logic, my tiredness of being everyone's problem. I wasn't saying it like I'm going to go do something. At this point - I can't. How could I do that to my children? To Seth? But more just trying to gain understanding - I thought perhaps she'd understand...but apparently, I scared her. She called Seth at work after we hung up. Then he called me, telling me to promise him I wasn't going to hurt myself. Like I would do anything with my angels at home?!? I may be crazy, but I'm not that far gone. So now I'm on the loony watch. Every little thing I say is no doubt going to be scrutinized. Best not to talk, then eh?

I feel like an afterschool special...well, perhaps a Lifetime movie given my age. But nevertheless, misunderstood.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Charlie Brown's not ALL blockhead...

He does care....

For me, even. :)

Last night when I got home, he'd bought me flowers, planted me flowers (a new rose bush in the place where a lilac failed to thrive last year), and was working on an "I love Mommy" coloring poster campaign with the kids.

Yeah, I tipped him off...probably about an hour into the whole write-up deal, I called him at work. He told me as I cried that I'd scared him b/c he thought I'd been fired. He then came up with this blockheaded statement:

"I guess that's why there are few to no women mechanics - you get all emotional like this, and OUR mistakes could kill someone."

Wasn't exactly the reassuring shoulder or pat I needed right then, but I'd say he more than made up for it - wouldn't you?

Answered Prayers

Our friend who's been in a coma for 5 1/2 weeks has finally roused from the fog and for the first time since the ordeal began, has been speaking. His beloved wife, who's been at the hospital durine every waking moment with him, is overjoyed.

We just continue to ask God for His healing and blessing in this man's life....I don't quite understand why some receive healing and others don't, but I guess that's for Him to know and me to find out?

In the meantime, we'll take it, this gesture of miraculous grace in his life (the doctors thought he would have died a while back).

Thursday, April 13, 2006

"I Have a Problem With My Drinking"

Now, with the way my posts have been sounding lately you may be thinking I made this statement, but you'd be wrong! ;-)

No...this exact phrase came out of LMNOB's 5 y/o mouth as I was taking a sip of milk this morning. I nearly sprayed the milk like a dairy hose out of my mouth! LOL

She got diagnosed with strep yesterday at the doctor's office (4 days of fever, one day of throwing up...NEVER a word about a sore throat, go figure!). So she clarifies her ridiculous sounding declaration by saying, "If I drink just a tiny bit of something it still hurts me, Mommy, but if I drink a LOT of something, it feels better!" Smiles and thumbs up from her. This is her cue for me to say, "Oh honey that's such a brilliant revelation!"

Kind of reminds me of that old commercial where the 3 y/o kid looks in the mirror and says, "I gotta do somethin' about this here root beer belly...." totally NOT what you expect a child to say!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Wonder of it All

Here I sit in life, trying to make sense of my plans gone astray, see and possibly understand God's plan for my life, attempt a compromise of the two, or figure out if my life is to be something completely different. Melding the bumps of my past into smoothness for the future just isn't happening.

[I just spelled happening h-a-p-p-i-n-i-n-g - that's my brain these days, out of the blue fusions of random things like happiness and happening - doesn't the Washington Post do a word contest like this? Maybe I should think some stuff up?!?]

Coincidence or Providence, whatever you personally believe in - I'm thinking Providence, focused my mind on the lyrics of this song (I know, ya'll are probably like, Don't you just listen to music without analyzing it?) as I was alternately deep in thought, strategizing my running rhythm, and actually hearing the music pulsing into my ears last night.

Wonder Of It All (Next Year)
Monday Morning
Year: 2005
All my hopes and dreams inside
visions lurk behind my eyes
something new behind it grows
and You smile as my heart knows
to be another still with You
I'm the one that loved You through
but I'm still nothing next to You
I'm still nothing next to You
what I've seen and where I've been
what's breaking out and breaking in
who I love and I despise melting into compromise
how I've changed and how I've learned
becoming less becoming more
and I'm still nothing next to you
I'm still nothing next to you
the sickness my mind's battled long
the center of my every song
the beauty of my voice it fades
into a spiritual cascade
flowing from Your perfect smile
I've avoided all the while
but I'm still nothing next to you
I'm still nothing next to you
all the future seems unclear
never moving never near
but You hold me as I scream
wake me from my wicked dream
something out there waits for me
hand in hand we wait
for it
but I'm still nothing next to You
I'm still nothing without to You
and the wonder of it all
is I'm still standing
and the wonder of it all
is we're still standing
never planned it
and I wonder where I'll be next year
will You stand right next to me
will You hold me faithfully
should I question all these things
what makes me so deserving
of something that I've thrown away
coming back for me today
when I'm still nothing next to You
I'm still nothing next to You
hearts are broken just to mend
when will my brokenness end
lending my mind to dreams it seems
some things are never meant to be
but faith it lingers as I die
inside surrendering I cry
I'm still nothing next to You
I'm still nothing without You
time is a broken dream
time is an endless change
time is an offering
time has an endless sting
time has a world to bring
time, it's a broken dream mended while lovers sing
Did they steal my brain? Does this mean I'm, *gasp* , NORMAL?!?

I'm kinda long-winded, eh?

Not today...just wanted to share two recent pics of

LMNOB - on the grounds at church this weekend

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and Punkinhead - climbing a tree at the zoo

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Nearing the end of babyhood memories

LMNOB is 5! And Punkinhead is almost 3! Where have my babies gone?

I love the little persons they are turning into, but mourn the passing of babyhood. I've a list of phrases they both used to use that are no longer uttered 'round here - and I miss them!

Hot juice - this is what LMNOB used to call a soda

Cha-cha meeeeeelk - Punkinhead's early label for chocolate milk, paired with an adorable little tushie shaker dance every time I made it for him - recently revised to:

Chocwut meelk

Do-wha - Dora, beloved by both kiddos, but now correctly pronounced (though I do still have Eggo - PH's attempt at Dora's cousin Diego)

Ok...I had more in mind but now am drawing a blank...I guess this is to be cont'd....

Chi-chen - Chicken as both pronounced for a long time

And how could I forget these gems?

Dez-uh-ert - LMNOB's version of dessert. Heehee, how many times over the years have I heard, "Mommy can I puh-lease have some dez-uh-ert?" LOL

Kiss-DUH-stin' - LMNOB's rendition of disgusting. "Ewww brudder, that's kissDUHstin' !" We actually use this one around the house, Charlie Brown and I.

Nigh' nigh' - Punkinhead's night-night = his blanket Nana made him. He now says blankie, and when he made the switch I was SO sad! :(

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Things at my Father's house...on His desk

The alarm goes off this morning, and Charlie Brown is aroused in more than one way ;-) Mmmm, Sunday morning worship starts early when we come together....but then....the phone rings. Sunday morning before 8 o'clock pretty much guarantees it is not a telemarketer, so Charlie Brown extricates himself from my entangled limbs and, in one fell swoop (sorta) leaps to the phone. I giggle at this boyish gesture.

It's his dad. Charlie Brown Sr. has a a really close friend who has been in dire health lately. He began having health issues this fall, when finally it was discovered he had lupus - typically a female autoimmune disorder. Non-stop dialysis is administered, and he gets dramatically better. Last month, though, he had to be flight-for-lifed to University Hospital in Denver. He's been touch and go for a few weeks and then a discovery is made - the tube placed inside him to aid with dialysis has been leaking the toxic fluids back into his body, and as a result, there was actually MOLD present in the lining of his stomach! He started to do better as they cleaned him out, but then a new issue, for which FIL is calling, arises.

It's strange for FIL to call on a Sunday morning, as they as well as we are getting ready for church. We answer the phone with baited breath, half expecting to hear of our friend's passing. Sadly, he's had more struggles. Apparently, the friend's stomach enlarged very rapidly over the last 24 hours. After a CT scan and MRI, the doctors learned that the friend's large intestine had ruptured and again, the equivalent of raw sewage was seeping into his system. Emergency surgery had been performed though the doctors did not expect our friend to make it. He did, and now it's a wait and see game.

Charlie Brown scrambles to find the words of consolation and encouragement - this has always been hard for him. I hear him weakly utter the trite and true expression, "Well, they say God doesn't give us more than we can bear..." He adds that our church family is praying for our friend. This is hard for Charlie Brown as his father is usually so stoic, and this situation is really wearing him down. The call soon ends on the premise that we all have to get going.

We're late for church. Sunday studies begin at 9, and we enter the building at 9:20. We drop the children off at their respective classes and try to discreetly enter ours - to no avail, the class is in circle formation, with only two seats left. We settle in and by the sounds of it, they've only just started the study - most likely having been in prayer prior to.

Our Sunday study is on the book of Galatians, and it is so meaningful to me. We go to a church which can have a reputation for being sectarian and on the legalistic side. To study the book which is commonly referred to as the Magna Charta of the early Christian church, which focuses on the principle of justification by faith in Jesus Christ and denounces the idea that we can save ourselves by our actions is a thought-provoking exercise in our body.

Galatians 3 was the text for the day. The following points were made:
- Abraham was not under Mosaic Law; his following God was based on faith
- God's promise to Abraham is a foreshadowing of the fact that Christianity will be for all who believe
- The key word in v.10 is rely; observing the Law in itself was not a bad thing - these were, after all moral tenets of the Lord, but for people to incorporate the Law into the Christian faith as a requirement for salvation was inherently wrong
- V. 21-29 critical to us today

The elder who was leading our discussion shared this tidbit:
As a young man, he had been ensnared in a handful of sins. He said that he would pray every night for God to release him from these sins, to help him conquer them, and yet, without fail he would fall. He said that he finally came to a decision to stop focusing on trying not to sin, but instead come to know the Lord with more understanding. He said that as God became his focus, he became more and more steadfast against these sins, until he was at last victorious.

Then a wise man in our body agreed, and clarified it like this:
"I can either say 'I won't cheat on my wife b/c adultery is a sin,' or I can say, 'I love her so much I would never even think about hurting her in such a visceral way.' And, that means not only physical infidelity, but the way I look at other women, the way I think, etc. In this frame of mind, it's not a right or wrong issue, but a love and heart issue. We parent our children this way, hoping that at some point after they've left us, they will continue behaving as we instructed them growing up, not out of robotic obedience, but b/c they embrace those choices for themselves. Same thing with God, He wants us to avoid certain things, not because they're wrong and bad - (even though they are) but more b/c He told us not to and we are choosing to obey and honor Him. Likewise, the things we are commanded to do, should not be done obligingly but with a heart that wants to please Him."

In other words, we need to live accordingly with our faith, and let the spirit of Christ in our hearts transform our behaviors. If we focus on the shoulds and should nots instead of getting to know the heart of our God, we're always going to come up short, b/c that is living under law.

Good good stuff....I soak it up.

After worship and a lesson, the parade of prayer requests come. Normally this is really short and sweet, but we had some heart wrenching prayer requests. Particularly for our friends, Young Married Couple. Their first baby is due in mid-June. She has developed a condition where her immune system is killing off her platelets. Normal platelet counts for an adult are in the vicinity of 150,000...her count at the beginning of last week was 3,000. Platelets are the blood cells which clot the blood when there is a cut, bruise, etc. Without them, one could bleed to death from the slightest thing. Her doctor ordered her to quit her job and begin a steroid treatment regimen. The steroids will kill off her white blood cell count - the cells which are currently attacking her platelets - and let her platelet levels rise. It's a horrible catch 22 with respec to her health: The steroids kill her immune response and could put her at serious risk should she be exposed to the slightest bacteria, virus, etc. However, without her platelets at a sufficient level, she could bleed to death from bruising, cuts, and especially while delivering the baby. They hope to get her platelet level to at least 100,000 by her due date. She will not be able to have a C-section should she need it, as the risk of bleeding is too great, even epidurals and IV's are a big risk with her condition. So, Young Married Couple's lives have been drastically changed by the health factors alone. Add to it that her income is now POOF! gone, and they now have medical expenses beyond their normal amounts, and they're pretty scared right now. Please pray for them.

Still other requests are made known, and I envision (á la Bruce Almighty) our Heavenly Father's house, with a multitude of prayer requests, often difficult piling up on His desk...and that's just our smallish congregation's needs! What an AWESOME GOD we serve!

Friday, April 7, 2006

FINALLY!! A school for LMNOB!

Holy frijoles, we did it! LMNOB is going to a school which will meet her needs.

This process has been exhausting....and probably more extensive than those who don't have a lot of educational choice in their communities. First there's curricula to consider. Some schools around here do a Core Knowledge curriculum. Others go with International Baccalaureate programs. Still others abound, lab schools, charters, Montessori style learning, private schools, etc., etc.

Let me add, our physical address is in City X, however we are in the boundary for City Y's school district. There is some travel required to get to our assigned school, and I was leary over putting my baby on a bus for kindergarten. In Colorado, we have the option of doing "school of choice," and opting for schools which are not normally designated to the physical address of the student.

So, my daycare provider lives two streets down from an elementary school (#1) in City X's district. LMNOB could walk to and fro the daycare with daycare provider's children. Perfect. In February I went and registered LMNOB there, however, school of choice is not a guaranteed placement as the numbers for in-district kids have to be considered first.

Another nugget of interest...Colorado only requires school districts to offer 1/2 day kindergarten, and thus only funds them for this. Many parents want a full-day option, which the schools have made available, but it's at a price. Tuition for the half-day that is not funded by the state is paid by the parents. LMNOB has more than demonstrated her need of a full-day program - writing, spelling, critical thinking, etc. more that I can remember for the kindergarten level.

So, back to school #1. I LOVED the atmosphere, staff, etc. I registered, with school of choice paperwork, as well as my request for full-day. Later, I received a call saying we'd made it in, but only for a 1/2 day program. This meant that at some point LMNOB would walk to or from school without the other kids. Uh, no!

I work for City Y too...have I mentioned that? It's like we have dual citizenship or something, LOL.

Too keep my options open, I thought I would register at the school (#2) in City Y too. After all, I could stay at my current job and just drop her off along the way to work...and do a BASE camp. Not my favorite option, but it's there. LMNOB came with me to this registration, and I felt the atmosphere was cold and unfriendly. The kindergarten teachers who were there didn't interact at all with their prospective pupils. Parents didn't get any kind of information about a typical day there....I just wasn't thrilled, or worse, even comfortable with leaving my daughter as their charge. I registered, very ambivalently, and with a lot of concerns. Later, a mother of another child came up to me and put a bug in my ear about two new charter schools which were opening this fall. I went home and researched.

One of the charter schools is in City X, just down the road from my daycare provider. They go 5 weeks longer than the school district does and have 30 more minutes in their school day. With this in mind, from K-8th grade, their students would have 2 years of more instruction time than the regular school district kids! (Plus, it's a daycare break for working parents in the summer). They are a Mosaica school, using the Paragon curriculum and they emphasize all academics while blending them with the arts and cultural studies! All kids learn Spanish from K-8th grade....possiblement ma regrette tres grande. Hmmm.... They do require uniforms - which I never thought I would enforce upon my children, but after thinking about it, there wouldn't be any battling in the morning over clothes, and socio-economic issues that come up in the schools with clothing and brands all but disappear too. Not so bad after all. And another attraction? No tuition, even for full-day kindergarten! I pre-registered online.

The other charter school is in City Y, actually just down the street from my office. They do a Core Knowledge program, and had so much enthusiasm when I went to their open house. I'd be more than happy if LMNOB ended up there. I learned however, that the kindergarten already had a wait list, and well, it just wasn't for sure.

Yesterday, I was informed by the charter in City X that LMNOB would have a spot there, and was considered in! Now I can see why the PT nature of my job is not so bad - instead of working 2-3 full days, I can go to working 5 half days and spend time at LMNOB's school - as parent volunteerism is required by charters.

I can relax now.....sigh! choice is great and empowering, and I'm glad that it's there, but at the same time, it's totally overwhelming!

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Catharsis by music

My bigger little brother made me a CD on Monday. He's into all sorts of music and is constantly making me mixed CDs with music he thinks I'll dig on. Usually these selections of his are an eclectic, yet strategic blend of genres he knows I'm fond of and unknown-to-me artists with lyrics that hit straight to the heart. Often, there are references to our childhood...these speak to me so preciously, b/c our other siblings were too young to remember the really hard times, and at times I wonder if it was all in my head. But then this brother validates me, and that feeling of assurance that chases the doubts away is priceless.

So I'm listening to the CD and there's a groovy, funky song with a positive message about self-image,
Jack Johnson (how can you go wrong with ANY of his stuff? I'm positively smitten with the man and his talent!), Five for Fighting (who I always mistake for Dave Matthews - both faves of mine), and then this slow ballad. This red-headed stepchild is all about ballads, loving to belt out the powerful notes at the climax of the song. The build-up, the climax, the afterglow of a ballad is a hugely emotional experience, and always has been for me, whether vocal or instrumental (I played clarinet 6th-12th grade).

Turns out, it was
Kelly Clarkson, the first American Idol - which seems a little cheesey to me, but I guess talent is talent, whether you get recognized with the aid of an agent or a reality show doesn't make much difference if you've got what it takes, eh? This was one that wasn't picked by my brother for the artist, or necessarily the type. When I paid attention to the lyrics, the first thing I did was turn it up and get swallowed up by the song's intensity and significance to my life.

Because of You
Ohh ohh mmm
I will not make the same mistakes that you did
andI will not let myself cause my heart so much misery
I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way,
to never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you...
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh
Everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you...
I am
I watched you die
I heard you cry
Every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known
better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry
In the middle of the night
For the same damn thing..
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I tried my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you....ahahahahhhhh...because of mmmmmmmmmm........

It's me...and our mother. She leaned on me as her guide and confidante in life, instead of the other way around. I parented us both, while she shared things with me no parent should ever burden their child with: I was almost aborted, and I have a sibling who was aborted I never got to meet. I was, at the tender age of 12, the liaison of her affair with another man when her first marriage got rocky. I knew the horrific details of the abuses she endured as a child. When I learned my sibling's father was not also my biological father, she told me all the sordid details of why he left and when, telling me he was going to steal me away from her, etc. when I was 5 years old!

I have difficulty trusting others, b/c there is always an ulterior motive, or there was. I don't trust myself as easily as I should b/c I was told repeatedly growing that my feelings weren't real or the way things really were! I always wondered if I was crazy b/c of this. I open up easily on the surface, with regards to factual events in my life. But when it comes to intimately entrusting myself to someone who is close to me, I struggle with tearing down walls. Vulnerability means a capacity to be mortally wounded, and I have been afraid of that for a long time.

My biggest fear that my mother has put in me is the fear that I will be like her. I've very methodically emulated everything she is NOT so as to avoid fulfilling this dreaded destination. Every fiber in my being knows that I won't be like her, I've already changed so much, but the fear remains in my heart. I also fear that her prophecy, spoken to me the morning I called to tell her of my engagement, of me "just getting pregnant and not doing anything [significant] with life," could be a true statement. It's dawned on me that fear is probably the largest driving force in my attempt to find meaningful work NOW instead of being patient. Her controlling grip never let me go, even 9 years after leaving her house.

It's cathartic for me to play the song loudly in my car, repeatedly, as I tend to do when something speaks to me like this, but I sing it with an edition at the end, making it a truer statement of where I'm at emotionally now:

Because of you
I was afraid

Wednesday, April 5, 2006



The very shrill, very intense scream one would call blood curdling comes from LMNOB. In the midst of doing the dishes, I dash to her side with soapy hands to see what the culprit of such a sound was.

There on the floor is a very fat cricket. Punkinhead is looking at it, poking around, all the while LMNOB is screaming, "NO BROTHER!!! Don't touch it!" That's what the scream was all about? I would have thought her innards were rupturing by the guttural sounds of anguish escaping her mouth

The more she screams, the more interested he gets, and then...he looks at me to see if I'm on to his little game. Nodding as I chuckle to myself, my eyes tell Punkinhead, I know exactly what you're doing.

Time for maternal intervention? Yeah....probably so.

"LMNOB, why are you so afraid?"

"It's going to eat me!"

"Nah, crickets don't eat meat, let alone people. They like plants." I think?!? Sometimes motherhood means inventing these things.

Me again, "It's so very cold outside and this cricket just wants to warm up. Crickets are good, honey, they help stir up the soil so that plants can grow well. They're like friends to our gardens." Uh, sorta.

It does the trick though, as LMNOB bends down on hands and knees and speaks to the cricket in very high-pitched parentese, "You're just so cold baby cricket, we'll keep you warm. Brother and I will take care of you."

Punkinhead follows suit and before I know it, my two children are nurturing a cricket that just scared the bejesus out of LMNOB.

When one pictures parenthood, there's the vision of Mommies rocking their babies, sleepless nights, the first day of school, battles during the teenage years, etc..Never in a million years would I have envisioned a parenting vignette from the future which had two children crawling around on the kitchen floor, chasing a cricket with lovingly shrill voices saying things like, "Poor baby, we'll take care of you!"

This post inspired by Purple_Kangaroo's Worm entry.

Saturday, April 1, 2006

My first Meme - Interview

So, Purple_Kangaroo invited me (and any of her other readers for that matter) to play along in this meme...

I hope I'm doing this right - lol. Give the Rookie a break, alright? ;)

purple_kangaroo said...
Mommyham, here are your questions:

1. What was one of your favorite pastimes when you were a kid? (I'm thinking age 10-12 or so, but that can be flexible.)
--Well, I was known to spend many a summer reading the days age 10-12, it would've involved anything Beverly Cleary, Judy Blume (particularly those which were for the older kids! I think of this now and parentally go: EEEKS!), Nancy Drew, Laura Ingalls-Wilder, etc... My next favorite pasttime was the acting out/continuous play theme with my siblings of The Boxcar Children at home in our large and overgrown backyard.

2. I know you're new to blogging. What influenced you to start a blog, and what do you hope for out of it?
-- I am recently re-diagnosed with major depression (2nd time in life) and trying to face myself in a very real way. For a long time, I have repressed things, such as my ambivalence towards what feels like Plan B for my life, or my lifelong pipe dream to be creative with my writing. I am at a point now where it's not likely I'll be writing freelance or otherwise for awhile, and journalling doesn't keep me accountable to creative expression so much as record keeping, so I guess with a blog (and hopefully a readership following it) I'm hoping to return to better use of my brain and abilities, keep a meaningful and expressive hobby that is fulfilling, and generally put myself out there for anyone who wants to see. Coming of Age Entertainment/Education Reality-Style.

3. What's a favorite and least favorite thing about being a parent?
--Oh, C'mon! I only get one of each? this is going to take awhile...... least favorite thing is that there is no universal, tried and true parenting manual/style to default to when things get rough, and the insecurity that encompasses.
My favorite thing is the unique, indivdualities my children have. No other two little people are quite like my Punkinhead and LMNOB, and probably never will be - what a great blessing and charge to nurture two very different children - they make my heart swell! I could go on about hugs, kisses, mid-slumber murmurings, seeing them enact kind behaviors we attempt to teach them, etc...there are so many things about parenthood that are true blessings :)

4. If you could buy one luxury item for yourself, a real splurge, what would it be and why?
--A life-time maid service, non-expirable before my death, transferable to any location we would ever move to, duties including laundry, bathroom cleaning, and dishes - I can handle vaccuuming, dusting, and sweeping/mopping myself - they're the chores I don't mind. Why?? Uhm, does that one need explanation? LOL - seriously...I contemplated clothes, cosmetic products I covet, a library of books I'd love to read or re-read, but didn't choose them, b/c the truth is I'll probably end up with them someday. The maid service - though I would love it, I probably would never do it thinking I couldn't afford it, and this question asked if I **could** splurge, what would it be on!

5. (stealing from one of the questions R2Ks asked me)If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
--I have a lot of places I would love to go and do various things while there, ranging from philanthropic works to just plain indulgent tourist activities. But...we have not had the money to go on a "real" vacation, i.e. something other than visits to relatives homes and/or camping trips, in our married life, due to the nature of Charlie Brown's pay...don't get me started on the idiocies of mechanic compensation. Soooo, I have been to the town CB was born in and lived at briefly before moving to CO where we met (he also returned to go to college there) and seen his "roots." But, he has not seen mine. With that in mind, as well as my "facing myself" issues, I would probably go back to Kelso, WA and remind myself from where I originated, thank some very key people who intervened in my life, and have some moments much like Jenny did in Forrest Gump when she went to her childhood home. I sound like a mental case fixated on something, don't I? My other reason for wanting to go back there is a longing for the rocky beaches and stormy seas of the NW - speaks much more to me than the tranquil blue seas of CA or FL. I do miss the ocean.

Ok...gosh, I am long-winded, and at midnight on spring forward eve - I'm going to be a zombie in the morning for church....Good thing I praised the Lord and sang my heart (and now dry throat) out to Him with an accompanying worship CD on the drive home from Denver tonight - tomorrow/today, my brain will be fried beyond the help of my usual caffeine ritual.

PK, great made me think!

g'nighty-night all....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz