Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Monikers/Aliases, Etc.

I hadn't yet decided what my family's monikers were going to be when I started this blog. But after giving it some thought, here's what I've come up with:

Dh- He's your average joe, with a tendency to be a real block-head at times. Thus, he's Charlie Brown, or CB. (I've decided this designation automatically assumes my identity as the pretty little red-haired girl Chuck was always hot for - and it fits, eh?)

I could continue the Peanuts theme, as my son is a total Linus with his blankie, and my daughter is in full 5 y/o-girl-first child-haven't-gone-to-kindergarten-yet-so-I'm-queen-of-the-world bloom that would make her a perfect Lucy. But, I'm not one of those adults with a pop culture fetish.

So, ds, in all his 2y/o glory, remains what I affectionately call him at home: Punkin-head, or PH.

Dd, in that earlier mentioned bloom of bossiness and attempted independence, is hereby referred to as LMNOB - Little Miss "No" Or "But..." (also my waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too nerdy play on the ell-em-en-oh-pee *LMNOP* run-on that kids do when singin' ABC's)

1 comment:

  1. AH. LMNOB is your daughter. Got it, and just so you know, I totally got the LMNOP play. (Although the youngest kids butcher that "word," sometimes saying EM-EN-EM-OH-PEE!) I guess our brains must wave at the same nerd frequency!
