Monday, July 31, 2006

Add a new trait to my longwinded list above:

Technically Retarded

(btw, I mean no offense to anyone who has a developmental delay - I hate the word retarded within that context - I mean it in the sense of ridiculously obtuse!)

Here I've been writing and writing, linking to new blogs, etc....wondering, where the heck is the LOVE, people??!!?! since I have NO comments.....

Somebody I know, not on blogger, commented how she can't leave a comment, and after a half a second of tech detective - I have comment moderation in effect and 22 comments have been left totally unbeknownst to me - dating back since mid June! Don't even get me going on how that's possible (dit en francais so that you get just how nerdy my tone is)! So now that my inbox has been bombarded with all of your supports - please excuse me if it takes awhile....did anyone here see that South Park episode re: Mormons? (This is by no means reflective of my feelings of that religion) But that "dum-dum-dum" song just cruised through my head....that and the other standby, Homer's, "I am so smart S-M-R-T."

Totally retarded.....yup that's me.

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