Dear all,
I wrote the following prayer in my blog Wednesday night, after what was starting to be and has continued to be a hard week. For those of you who have trouble finding the words to pray, please use this as a guide.
We are 10 days and two volunteer training sessions out from the count, and I am being severely tested in all areas of life right now. But, today has been a blessing. Read the prayer and then I will elaborate how some things have been answered already.
Lord, help me [her] remember your touch and blessing on this project.
Help me [her] stay the course, cheerfully and persistently.
Rain down volunteers.*
Keep my [her] uneasy mind in a state of peace, for You are [her] my assurance.
Father, be with those who are critical - stirring their hearts so that they may see the true matters at hand, and let go of the trivial points. Quiet them on the unnecessaries.
Father, stir the hearts of business owners to be generous**, for I[she] so would love to be able to give our respondents something in return for them entrusting us with their personal information.
Father, these are your precious children.
Help me[her] to show them Your Face.
You've blessed me[her/us] so much, dear Abba.
And I [she] just want to share the wealth of the faith You've given me[her] with a community of hurting people.
Let this project be a quiet and loving testimony to that desire.
In Jesus' name....So be it
So....the answers (and let's just pray that they keep coming and don't stall out!)
* I got
**I got an acceptance letter from Wal-Mart re:my request for donations. It is small, but it is a start
God works, and He works well....please cover me with protective prayers, so that the target Satan is shooting at is at least a moving [and hard to hit] one. :)
I love you all, and yes, I am emotional these days. Please be considerate of it, and don't take it personally if I'm emotional *at* you.
the Red-Headed Step-child
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