Monday, April 30, 2007 check it out, folks...

I already shared this with some of the readers who are on my "friends and family updates" e-mail list, but forgot about posting ANYTHING here... I'm such a bad personal-life-exhibitionist for you folks who are into the personal life voyeurism trend that this blogging thing is. [Hey, I'm in that group too!!]

Enough rambling...

In case you had more important things to do, and you weren't obsessing over keeping a running tally of my papers for my class this semester like I was, I received all As on the first 4 papers (of 5 total). As much as I've known that I'm a strong writer, I really wasn't pulling a Melinda Doolittle each time got a paper back, with rave reviews - I really was surprised! Besides, I am my own worst critic, and can never objectively rate myself.

As of last Monday the jury was still out on the 5th paper, which was in my opinion - a bomb. Prior to getting it back, my instructor e-mailed me this:

[I wrote to you earlier about this, but I just wanted to let you have my official statement too...]

You have an A grade going into the final, and therefore you may simply turn in your prior essays (unless one or more of them exceeds 1,000 words, in which case you should edit it down to that number).

But learning isn't just about grades, so I would be most interested to see how your ideas have evolved over the course of the semester.

If you'd like to submit one or more of your essays, revised, I'll give them the same attention as usual. It's your choice, completely.

I know everyone is pressed for time at the end of the semester, so I'll certainly think no less of you if you decide to "leave well enough alone."


The final - for everyone else - was to revise 3 of the 5 essays we turned in.

My last paper came back, with a B+ and my instructor's concession that I was right, it wasn't my best.

So, I revised it this weekend, and now I'm done.

With an A in the class.

I'd have never thought I would get an A in the first Master's level class I took. Ever.


  1. YAYAYAY Heather!!!!! That is awesome awesome awesome!!!
    Oh and we are for sure moving to Denver area now... Jake got the job offer ;) but it's on thw down low for a little bit yet ;)

  2. Congrats!! It's such a huge accomplishment (trust me, coming from someone who failed their last class in grad school because she didn't care, the A is a huge deal) :)

  3. Woooohhoooooo!!!!!! Standing O!
