Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sososososo much to blog about

but alas! No. Time!!

Notes to self:

":Sigh: Breathtaking," story MUST be told...

Lots of work with fascinating details...

Thoughts about Fort Collins holiday lighting fiasco...

"Mommy's not huge, but her butt is" story...for which LMNOB receives coal, lol...

and more, all floating thru my head - but i must needs get packed and get out of the schoolwork that is up to my elbows this weekend while we're gone.

So...mayhap I will check in...and then, maybe not...

In the meantime, peeps, embrace the gratitude attitude of the holiday and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Curiousity did NOT kill the cat... that was my car... SPILL THE BEANS... when you can. LOL
