Thursday, May 1, 2008

Feeling Like a Popular Kid

For one of the first times in my life.

Several days in a row, people have taken note of my "fashionable ensem's" and "rockin' hair" which just makes me swoon, because I am so in need of external validation these days. Even if it is shallow and based on my appearance. I'll take it!

And if that weren't enough, I have been ranked 10th out of the Women community at Cre8Buzz for TWO THREE DAYS STRAIGHT! I haven't quite figured that one out yet as I am not a great Buzzer - heck I haven't been a good bloggy lately, lurking but not really commenting that much - AND my hits have been low lately, but I'll take it.


Cyndy gave me this recently:


Yeah, took me long enough, I know, see above!

This was really sweet, Cyndy, given my recent Eeyore-like writings. (BTW everyone, guess who began her visit yesterday? Yeah. So let's see the PMS thing is turning very PMDD over recent months. Yes I will be talking to the doc soon) I gotta pay it forward to 10 other bloggers....

*Becky* - where else can I read about a darling little boy who declares that calcium is his 6th favorite word? And, I get your dysfunctions, hon, cuz I got 'em myself!

Jen - babe, you get the award for aesthetics alone (and not just for your cute scrappy stuff, but for your adorable smiling face too! Gorgeous, doll!), but then you go and one-up that blog with your sassy little 'tude, K-lish and well, I'm in love.

Princess in Galoshes - I swear we must be long lost fraternal twin sisters. She got the long end of the pretty stick, though. The princess curses more than I do, but it's ok because it is freakin' hilarious.

(sensing a pattern? I likes me some sassy humor)

Liz - Girl is smart, and pursuing a psych degree. Why wouldn't I like her?

Heather - Girl you are like the energizer least that's what reading you does for me. Picks me up, makes my day. Even if I don't always comment.

Piper - Another long-lost twin out there....Piper needs to come home to the Fort and be my neighbor! ;)

Huckdoll - She talks like she's all bad and has reason to too, but she's got heart thru and thru. I love that. Plus she's in the Pacific NW, albeit on the Canadian angle. And that part of the country has my heart.

Brillig - Super smart, tons o' fun and just plain relatable for me.

Lynne - Though not a frequent flier when it comes to posting on the blogosphere, every last post is so good :) Plus, she's one of my girls.

And Andrea....Andrea is hilariously zany....has made me spit out so many liquids while reading that I now refrain from eating/drinking near her blog.

So, there, I've shared the love. Pass it on, ya'll

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved


  1. Oh my goodness! You are one of my inspirations how can I not be totally shocked? Well, I've learned from the best! Thanks Heather!! ;)

  2. Thanks missy! I love it and I adore the write up you did on me, so sweet!

    You do deserve to be up there on the Buzz, I've always thought it should a place where people are seen and heard, just like their slogan...not the same old, same old...I'm glad to hear that there's a bit of shuffling going on over there <3

    Shine on girl!

  3. But it's OK to post like Eeyore! For one, I love Eeyore. And for another, you post from the heart and not just what you think people want to read.
    That, to me, is a great blogger!

  4. Thanks for the shout out, girl! I'm honoured to be included in such a fine group!

    Now you rock on with your pad self and keep gettin' your groove back!

  5. Dysfunction junction, whats YOUR function? :)

  6. Thanks, lady! I hope I don't offend you with all the swearing. Hillbilly roots are showing. :-)

    And I don't know about the pretty stick, either, I would KILL to have your gorgeous red hair. I can't get it even when I spend lots of money attempting!

  7. Now I'm all verklempt. Thank you so much!!!!
