Tuesday, June 6, 2006

I love you, Charlie Brown!

To my Sweet Babu,
(yeah, yeah, I know that was a Sally thing for Linus, but since it's MY blog, I'm gonna pretend this term of endearment is also used by one pretty lil red-headed girl to make known Chuck's affections are NOT unrequited!)

You really are the man God made just for this pretty lil red-headed girl. You do get the husband of the year award, in my book - and know that your humble comment indicating otherwise, that you "were just making up for all the other years," only proved it all the more. It's hard to believe that I've ever felt otherwise, but I suppose that's what it's like when the Bible tells us "as far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us." He has blessed me with you, and a heart that sees you for the gift that you are.

As much as I claim you don't understand me, you do. You know me better than my own self in a lot of ways, knowing that a tickle at just the right time will bring a smile and a rush of desire for you, when at other times it makes me want to swat at you like a fly, and shoo you away from me. You know my deepest hurts, and the efforts you make - showing me that our children will have a Daddy, one who loves them fiercely and makes them proud, your thoughtful calls during the day, and just plain presence - secure my footing in the life that we have made together, and the knowledge that I am loveable and loved. You remind me that not only do I have your love, but that of many others, when I forget. You know that my body betrays me, and longs for you after a quarrel - regardless of where my mind may be....sometimes I wonder if you pick fights with me, with this very thing in mind - oh yeah, I know you too!

You're my favorite playmate, be it squirtguns, that old inside joke, playful washing of dishes together, passing notes during a boring class, or that other, really fun thing we do. ;) Your wit brings me joy - though only when I'm not the brunt/butt of the joke...sorry, gotta put a qualifier on that on, or else you'll use it against me! But truely, I think of all the sounds that come out of our home, and no, there aren't a lot of deep philosophical conversations in our home, but there is always laughter, and that gives me comfort.

I respect you in so many ways, love. The work you do, and the skill it takes, boggles my mind! Then, the fact that you're the best at it, the youngest in the shop, and have pushed yourself further and higher, just magnify that awe ten-fold. And you've done it all for us, which makes it so much dearer. You are putting yourself "out there," emotionally for your friends lately, and I honor that greatly. The sacrifices you've made recently illustrate your heart, and the view is breathtakingly beautiful.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

Always yours,


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