Thursday, February 28, 2019

The way I roll

Dude....this week has been like....transformative or something.

I think Sunday was a start to regaining my muchness, but when I got my new glasses Tuesday, it was like Frosty getting that magical hat.

I came alive.

I was animated and witty. Competent and productive. Creative juices are like, flowing, man. 

(This is not a put-on dialect, I'm writing it as I would speak it, you know, conversationally? I have an inner valley girl that comes out when I'm happy and excited.)

Seth said I looked like a hot librarian, and you know? I think Heather got her groove back with that boost of confidence, even if incrementally.

That night was a CRAZY BUSY day.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Between sickness, a 3-day training in windowless rooms, and gray weather, February has been a low sun month for me. As a serotonin challenged type, this is no bueno.

As a result of this compound deficit, I've been escaping via carbs, tv/internet and sleep instead of working on the things I ought to be, i.e. school work, family projects, etc.

I don't know who Alicia Cook is,
but that ^ is 100% accurate and
all happened this week.