Thursday, February 28, 2019

The way I roll

Dude....this week has been like....transformative or something.

I think Sunday was a start to regaining my muchness, but when I got my new glasses Tuesday, it was like Frosty getting that magical hat.

I came alive.

I was animated and witty. Competent and productive. Creative juices are like, flowing, man. 

(This is not a put-on dialect, I'm writing it as I would speak it, you know, conversationally? I have an inner valley girl that comes out when I'm happy and excited.)

Seth said I looked like a hot librarian, and you know? I think Heather got her groove back with that boost of confidence, even if incrementally.

That night was a CRAZY BUSY day.

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Between sickness, a 3-day training in windowless rooms, and gray weather, February has been a low sun month for me. As a serotonin challenged type, this is no bueno.

As a result of this compound deficit, I've been escaping via carbs, tv/internet and sleep instead of working on the things I ought to be, i.e. school work, family projects, etc.

I don't know who Alicia Cook is,
but that ^ is 100% accurate and
all happened this week.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Moving beyond the knee-jerk - is it possible to overcome identity threat in the age of social media?

Note - the links inside the body of this text are for your enhancement - they elaborate the points at which I'm getting.

So...I'm hesitant to go there, but the past 24 hours of my Facebook feed has pretty much made up my mind.

If you haven't seen or heard about the new Gillette ad from last week, I daresay you either:
a. Actually do live under the proverbial rock
b. Have an existence similar to Helen Keller's in which you are both deaf and blind, or
c. Really don't care