Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hiya, God - It's Me Again...

:waving sheepishly:


So, I thought this morning that it wouldn't be TOO much to ask if you could help Charlie Brown have a good day, seeing as he was kinda overwhelmed last night and this morning, just thinking about the self-centered, profiteering bastards people he'd have to deal with at work today.

I mean, I prayed over him before he left the house this morning. Verbally. Holding his hand, so that there was no mistake in his mind that I care about him and how he's treated, and want his life to go smoothly.

And again in the car, with the kids on the way to daycare. Again, verbally. Reiterating the fact that HE WORKS SO HARD for us and we are so blessed by him, so that our children might begin to comprehend just how much it means to have a father who puts in 50 hours of physical labor every week for our family. And appreciate just how taken for granted he is.

Of course, there were also the silent prayers that have been offered up all week on his behalf that he get the recognition, respect, compensation and appreciation that he so deserves.

But, Lord, the phone call I got from him this afternoon was not the right answer.

"It's been the day that I knew it was going to be today....Heather, I was so overwhelmed that I actually cried in the truck when I got to work."

Just a reminder, God, Charlie Brown doesn't cry because he's overwhelmed. I do.

Charlie Brown does cry at funerals, weddings and births. He does not cry when people are asshats to him. Again, that role is usually reserved for me.

It's breaking my heart knowing that my man is feeling so unappreciated, so frustrated, and so disrespected.

Now, I've been trying to do what I can - female wiles and charm and all - to make him feel like he's king of our castle. Gladly.

But I can't control what happens out of our home - so whaddya say, can you help a girl out?

Will you comfort the soul of my love? Wrap him in Your everloving arms and be the Voice of Truth in this crazy world to him? Breathe peace into him during this trial?

Please, Lord. We love him so and just want him to be happy.


See, not too big of a request, right?

:twirls hair on finger:

Thank you, Daddy!

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Song of My Heart

These days, I'm in love with this song, "I'm Letting Go" by Francesca Battistelli.

The youtube video is private, viewable by invitation only (wth kinda crap is that anyway?!?), but I was able to find this playlist thingy on her website (click play, then ffwd to the song you want to hear):

It's the story of my heart recently. Letting go and living by faith.

The lyrics are pure genius, but her voice is what makes the song:

My heart beats, standing on the edge
But my feet have finally left the ledge

Like an acrobat
There’s no turning back

I’m letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe
So I’m letting go

This is a giant leap of faith
Trusting and trying to embrace

The fear of the unknown
Beyond my comfort zone

I’m letting go
Of the life I planned for me
And my dreams
Losing control
Of my destiny
Feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe
So I’m letting go

Giving in to your gravity
Knowing You are holding me
I’m not afraid

Feels like I’m falling and that’s what it’s like to believe
Feels like I’m falling and this is the life for me

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just WHAT Are You Trying To Tell Me?

I've been asking God this all night, and damned if I don't want an audible answer RIGHT now.

At the end of June, I had a stressful, "I can't do this" moment and the thought of downsizing my workload momentarily bleeped onto my radar. Two days later, an ideal PT job (that would later prove too good to be true) crossed my path, and my radar went "Bebebebebebebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" The next day, the head of the organization and I exchanged 12 e-mails over the course of an hour about salary, how glad he was that I was applying, etc, etc.

Almost as soon as I sent an e-mail asking for prayers about this turn of events to some friends from church, I got a response from one of the girls saying how coincidental the timing was, because I'd crossed her thoughts while she was gardening that morning - and in the sense of how overwhelmed I must feel, that she wished I could find something that would meet our financial and family life needs. I thought it was a sign. That this was in the bag. I thought it was what God wanted for me, and prayed that I could gain some respite, job security in a job that had upward mobility built into it, and more time with our kids. But alas, it was not meant to be...

I was actually quite ok with it. I was trying to just take these moments and glean from them what God could possibly have wanted me to do with it. Through prayer and practicing the Power of Now, I came to the conclusion that God didn't want me to DO anything with it. He didn't want me find out why I wasn't picked. He didn't want me to try and manipulate things such that I found another job. What He's wanting me to do is to just lean on Him and let Him do the heavy lifting. So, I thought I was doing that. Letting go. Giving Him the reigns. And becoming more content with my circumstances, which trust me, I HAVE learned a new appreciation for. It's like I have new lenses through which I'm seeing everything, and that is a huge blessing for this girl with Eeyore like tendencies.

But then tonight, as I picked up the kids from daycare, a home daycare that they only just started in March, after M had given us her notice, the new M told me that she was quitting daycare as a business and going back to work/school. Her last day would be August 8.

School starts August 27, and it is killing me to think of yet another childcare situation for the kids this year. Stability? Hello? Or how about Consistency? Yeah...

But, things happen for a reason, Heather. You've given God control.

But what is He trying to tell me?

Should I quit work and up my financial aid so that I can take more classes, have a little loan to live off of and be with the kids after school?

Well, health care, yeah, that would be a Charlie Brown's health plan sucks hairy donkey balls.

But there I go Sarah giving Hagar to Abraham, I am trying to make sense of this turn of events and develop a rational plan of action. Thinking she was too old to bear the children God promised, Sarah sought to aid God in His delivery of His promise, and instead of just waiting on the Lord, only made things worse. Seen the relations between Palestine and Israel lately? Yeah, still bad.

So, I'm just doing nothing right now. As much as it pains me to do so. Well, pray of course. And ask y'all to pray with me, because I'm rather confusilated and would just like the Big Guy to demystify my life a bit right now.


© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved


Folks, this "Brilliant" thing is no longer just between me and Charlie Brown.

Apparently, the lovely Soliloquy has deemed me as brilliant with this little gem:

She says it is because of this post, because she "wouldn't dare dream of" writing such a thing, but really, I think it's because she tried the stuff :wink, wink, nod nod:. Oh, yeah...she is just thanking me for enhancing her life.

I have to pass it along now, but the problem is that I only get to pass it to one person. This is painful to make such an exclusive decision!

But, really....I'd like to bestow the award to Brillig at 'Twas Brillig - she has the brilliant gift of parodying Shakespearean lit with trials of motherhood.

And that's all. Happy Monday!

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Date to Remember...


About 10 1/2 years ago, I was 18, Charlie BRown was 22, and we'd just gotten engaged after dating for 2 years. Immediately, the planning for a summer wedding ensued.

With his parents' anniversary in June and his brother having recently been wed in August, we both felt that a July wedding was key to feeling like our day was "ours."

As we looked over the calendar, I began placing red x's on the weeks I knew would not be conducive to honeymooning activities. I was able to do this with a confidence newly instilled by the menstrual regularity one experiences while taking birth control pills. In order to get an accurate gauge on this for July, I had to start in January, where we were at. As we got to July, I erred on the side of caution, singling out the two weeks that I was neither going to be menstruating, nor a crampy, bloated, premenstrual emotional train wreck.

"Honey, it looks like we are down to July 11th or July 18th, any preference?"

As I glanced over at Charlie Brown, I saw him get this look, one that I've come to know and love over the years, a playful, 'my-wheels-are-turning' look. Then he said, "Seven eleven? For real? That's awesome, because you KNOW I could NEVER forget that date, right? I mean, heck I could probably finagle a free anniversary slurpee from 7-11 every year!"

We laughed long and hard for awhile, later this turned into a tickling match which eventually turned into a makeout session. After several kisses, Charlie Brown propped himself up on his elbow and held me close.

"Seriously, though - know the best part about 7/11, 1998?"

I shrugged coyly.

"That's the day that this," he picked up my hand with my engagement ring, "becomes our life together, not just the promise of it. It means we will really, finally be married, and that is so exciting to me - I can't wait to make you my wife."

It's one of those moments in time, akin to the wedding day, the moment each one of my children was placed on my chest, that just feels so completely right and burns into my memory, never to be taken away from me.

Over the next six months, we had several trials.

Charlie Brown got fired from his job after his alarm clock failed due to a power outage. When he woke, the first thing he did was call his boss and he said, "Your toolbox is waiting with your final check." We were both so young and green that we were both completely thrown by the unfairness of it. We'd come to know later that life isn't always fair.

My mom and I struggled a lot in our relationship together. She was totally against the idea of me getting married so young, which is understandable to me now, but at the time felt like the worst pain imaginable. She finally came around at my bridal shower, about 2 wks before the wedding.

We pushed on and before we knew it July 11, 1998 arrived.

That day was amazing, especially for such a humble wedding. But what difference do the details make when you are marrying your best friend in the world, an excellent lover, and a soul that loves God? What else could I have asked for then? And how lucky was I to have found love so quickly in life.

Sounds dreamy, huh?

It was. As with everyone, over the course of 10 years, reality has come crashing in at times, leading us to experience the "for worses" acknowledged in our vows to one another, things that we couldn't have expected and didn't even begin to understand the ramifications of when we pledged our undying commitment to each other before God. Those things take a big chunk out of love. Add to it the constant erosions caused by the mundane, the trivial, the everyday stressors, and, well, there's little wonder for me why so many loves die out.

We've seen so many challenges in our first 10 years that I have often felt like quitting, more often than I'd care for people to know. But still we've pushed on, together. I haven't always been able to see that we were still walking this path together. Truth be told, at times, it's seemed like we were on completely different paths, but my most recent battle with depression, his victory over addiction to porn, and the conversations that have ensued from both have shown me that we have been with each other all the way.

We are standing on high right now, and it's higher than we've ever accomplished thus far. I really feel like these 10 years were the grunt work, the initiation into a happy, enduring marriage. And it's all been worth it.

I would do it over again in a heartbeat, Charlie Brown. I love you more today than ever.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Completely Overdue 411 on My Summer Vacation

I know, friends, I know…I’ve been so absent lately.

The reason why is because I’m working on being more present with my family, my friends, and at my work. And know what I’m finding? My life is very blessed. But how remiss would I be to neglect my blessings right here in the blogosphere? I mean y’all have been by my side when I’m boring, shallow, or wading in the pity pool. That’s special and comforting and very much appreciated. Also, I very much like it when I’m on my game and y’all stick around to disprove that you’re just here because misery likes company!

Ok, preamble aside….let’s dissect the vacay and disseminate every little detail, eh? Well, the ones that are not x-rated anyway! :wink:

Because I am SUCH a wordy wench, this vacation commemorative will be in installments. Behold, I present to you:


We left the Fort on Thursday, July 3rd. Stopped in Denver to meet BIL and pick up our niece 3M, who was accompanying LMNOB and Punkinhead for the spoil-fest quality time with their shared Nana and Papa, and my mom, aka Grammy. Arrived in Craig late Thursday night.

Friday, 7/4/08
Woke to one of Nana’s fabulous breakfasts! Celebrated Punkinhead’s b’day a bit belatedly. Daddy and I forgot the big present we’d got him at home, as we realized at the party. Charlie Brown and I were bummed because we spent a lot of time hunting the separates for the gift down, but hey, it was at home, to be opened later, right? Punkinhead got a double slip n’ slide and all the kids plus one giant kid known as Charlie Brown gleefully “drag raced” each other on it for hours. We grilled burgers, mmmmm. Homemade coconut cream ice cream was churned, and as darkness fell on the quiet town of Craig, we pulled the lawn chairs out on Nana and Papa’s drive and watched the fireworks as we ate the icy, creamy goodness.

Saturday, 7/5/08
The men went out while Nana and I took the girls and Punkinhead to the nail salon. I got a pedicure, the girls got manicures “with DESIGNS! Mama!” and Punkinhead got a pedicure as well – with a “boy” colored polish that was quite smurfy. The guys were horrified of course, but I assured them it is perfectly normal for little boys, who are surrounded by girls, to want to paint their nails. Besides, Punkinhead was so proud of them! We had the kids ride their bikes with Nana as we all went to a local elementary school to let the dogs run. We played baseball with Punkinhead, pushed the girls on the swings, climbed on the playground equipment that has been there and since would be declared “substandard” by the many more well-to-do school districts we are familiar with – but it was totally nostalgic, as I marveled at the very plain bars system and remembered hours of fun spinning, twirling, and dangling on a set JUST like it at my own elementary school in the 80’s. Life was simpler then, wasn’t it? That night, more yummy food, sitting in the backyard, and playing summer games of hide ‘n seek, paddle ball catch, and other lawn pastimes with the kids.

Grammy is absent from the story thus far, because she was on a quiet outdoor retreat with her sweetie becoming his wife with only two of their closest friends to witness. This is mom’s #3 and his #2, so they were not really interested in the bells and whistles of a traditional ceremony – instead they were rafting, camping, and celebrating this new turn in their life-path together. G is a good guy and he treats my mother with a respect, care, and support that her previous partners haven’t even come close to; she’s happy with him and I wish them all the best, because my mom deserves some happiness in her life after everything she’s been through. They did spend time with the kiddos and had a lot of fun with them, after we’d left and they’d gotten back.

Sunday 7/6/08
We did church at Nana and Papa’s church…and let’s just say…I very much appreciate our congregation after a trip to Craig. Not that I don’t already anyways, but it’s a different culture in Craig, and really I should just be praying for them instead of dogging this church. ‘Nuf said? I thought so. When we got home, we ate, packed up and left for Glenwood. It was a weird feeling, leaving the kids – despite knowing that they were going. to. be. JUST. fine! – and bittersweetly quiet. Charlie Brown and I vacillated slightly between reveling in the bliss of the quiet and being haunted by it. Slightly. Quiet bliss has an overpowering advantage on harried parents, or so I’m told.

So my mom had very sweetly insisted that we stay at the Colorado Hotel – because she wanted to pay for the room as an anniversary gift – and since it’s a historic landmark, :cough: it was FREE, and right near everything we wanted to do, we accepted her offer. We got in, unloaded our stuff, and decided to walk across the bridge into the downtown area. We ended up eating at here:

because, uh, beer? We had this sampler platter of the beers and they were yummy. I especially liked the Hanging Lake Honey Ale, the Grizzly Creek Raspberry Wheat, and the No Name Brown Nut Ale. Being tourists, albeit tourists of a local nature, we thought about their t-shirts, but the graphics were a little hokey. This is one business investment I recommend they look into, because, hello, marketing! I had a beer-cheese soup and salad, Charlie Brown had a burger and it was great! The only downside? We ended up being seated by two rather large families with a bunch of noisy, active kids who were terrific escape artists…just as we were beginning our trip SANS kids. It is Murphy’s Law for Parents Trying to Get Away, and has happened to us before in nice restaurants on date night.

We walked around more and just hung out with each other, returning to our room that night for some intimate time together. /details there lest this become confused with “THAT kind of” blog ;)

Monday 7/7/08
We woke, took advantage of our child free state with each other once again (hey, man, this was supposed to be a second honeymoon, so we made it one!), and made our way out of bed. We ambled down to town and located a coffee shop. I was horrified to see that they put POWDER in the white mocha I ordered, I mean WTH? – moreover, the taste was reminiscent of those crappy automated cappuccino maker drinks that I could have bought at 7-11. In sharing this with Charlie Brown he laughed and lovingly called me a coffee nazi. True enough…The yummy spinach feta croissant (and Charlie Brown’s disgust at my breakfast selection) almost made up for it, however. Almost. The comic relief provided by an area homeless man’s (I’m guessing here, given my past employment history) with what appeared to be schizophrenia and a propensity for pen/paper renditions of stained glass art constant eyeing of Charlie Brown, and my husband’s very evident discomfort actually did make up for the bad coffee, though.

We walked around very briefly downtown, scoping out eating options, and returned to the hotel. We’d decided to check out the bike rental shop in the hotel. They had tandem bikes and a shuttle service that drove riders to the top of the paved bike trail that runs the length of the Glenwood Canyon. As it is 13 miles one way, this was important to us. As bikers ride down the trail, there are 5 key tourist attractions, one of them being the Hanging Lake trailhead. So we decided to rent a tandem, take the shuttle, hike to Hanging Lake, and finish the trail.

The shop had us “try out” the tandem around the block and “get a feel for it.” That was fun, not. Charlie Brown got barky and inpatient with my awkwardness, an emotional display such that I responded with a fleeting prayer heavenward to not let this ruin our trip. We ironed it out, adjusting my seat and his, and got going enough that we felt like we could do it. Loaded up, and tried to enjoy the driver’s information about the area on the drive up; however the mother and her two teens behind us had gotten it all the day before and they proceeded to talk the whole damned time. The canyon is breathtaking, and the locals were taking full advantage of the beauty surrounding them, rafting the river, hang gliding above it, and biking alongside it.

At the top of the trail, we unloaded and down we went. It was an intimate adventure, pedaling in stride with each other, leaning in cooperation for turns, and sharing little sights with each other. At first, we had to verbalize these things to each other, but as time went on and we grew more accustomed to each other’s signs, we began to coast and pedal simultaneously. We marveled at the rapids of the river, the lush foliage we rode under, and other signs of beauty. We made it to the Hanging Lake Trailhead fairly quickly, locked the bikes up and began the trek.

I had hiked Hanging Lake eleven years prior, as a senior in high school on a National Honor Society trip. I vaguely remembered it being a steep-ish trail, but had forgotten just how steep it is! We made it up in good time, took a bunch of pictures* of the breathtaking lake

and walked around the lake to Sprouting Rock.

We sat in the rocks eating our cliff bars and sucking down our waters when a crazy number of chipmunks appeared. These suckers were brazen, too. Charlie Brown threw a few chunks of cliff bar out (oh, go boo hiss someone else!) to get them to back off, but that just made it worse. This one fatty chipmunk was just bullying the others and then almost snatched the bar out of Charlie Brown’s hand when he was resting!

We saw some clouds coming in and decided to head back down. We got a few sprinkles, but it felt quite refreshing. As we headed down, we were asked, “Is it very much farther?” by many a weary hiker – the traffic was just amazing that day! We assured some that it wasn’t that much more, but as we got further down the hill, we didn’t want to give people false hope, so we began saying, “It’s totally worth it!” Near the very end of our hike, we ran into an Asian dad with his two SMALL children who had been on the shuttle with us. Charlie Brown and I looked at each other, saying, “No way they’ll make it” with our eyes. But most entertaining of all, was the pregnant woman on the trail just below them. She had to have been at least 7 mos and she was wearing….FLIP FLOPS!!!! That time we giggled out loud and felt not one bit rude about it. Those giggles simply attested to the FACT that there was no way in hell for her to make it. None.

Finally we reached our bikes and headed back down the bike path. The rain coyly started and stopped along the way, but towards the end got serious and began to dump, just as we pulled into the bike rental shop. The timing could not have been better. We scurried to the hotel’s covered patio and mused about all the poor fools on the Hanging Lake trail – the waiter overheard us and said, “Yeah, people just don’t get Colorado’s afternoon thunder storms are for real.” Charlie Brown said, “Except for us – we’re natives.”

Photobucket Me and our trusty steed.

It had been a fun adventure, with only a few kinks in the ride – first, my shoelaces got caught in the chain a few times and caused near wrecks and frustrations – finally, I just tucked my laces in my shoes, duh….second, Charlie Brown’s legs started cramping up about 5 miles away from the hotel and we had to take a break for him to lay on the ground. Interestingly enough, it was on the pedestrian bridge overlooking I-70, which was a little unnerving. Otherwise, it was wonderful. /details here.

[insert imaginative conjectures here]

That night, we went out to Tequila’s, a local Mexican restaurant. Oh. My. GOODNESS!!! BEST Mexican food I’ve EVER had, and the margaritas were AMAZING. Very well worth it. Charlie Brown and I have talked about going back to Glenwood just to eat at Tequila’s, it was that good.

Afterward, we went to cross the bridge, back into the downtown (as Tequila’s is on the other side of town), for the umpteenth time, when Charlie Brown decides to call and check in the kids (for like the 4th time that day!). I feeling the buzz of the marg, got a little goofy with the camera:
Trying to get one of us both, and failing:
Self-portrait - I refuse to admit how many takes it took to get this
Who's the Mommy, Charlie Brown, because HOW many times have you called today?
Photobucket Fun times....

Finally, after all the telephonic hugs and kisses, bedtime stories, and tucking ins, were exchanged, we continued across the bridge,
where another seemingly homeless person made eyes at Charlie Brown which made him go all WTH?
and below the bridge, was a restroom of the public parks variety, ewwwwwwww…..but, there was no way we’d have made it to a business restroom, so we each turned into our respective gender’s restroom, and I was freaked the hell out by these nightmarish renderings on the bathroom stalls:

I mean, holy hell, Batman, like going to the bathroom in a grungy stall isn’t scary enough that they felt they just had to add these? And I was just a buzzing-on-ONE-Tequila’s-margarita grown woman – think of the kids who are having to attend therapy! Good grief!

After much walking, shopping and browsing, we returned to our room, where we did a lot of who knows what :wink:

....Stay tuned for the Camping/Breckenridge leg....

* Uhm, yeah....well, Charlie Brown uploaded some pics to a new vacay folder every day, and at our mountain leg, he puts on some new ones, right? Well we got the standard, "vacay001 already exists, replace file?" prompt and whaddyou know? We replaced all of our Craig pics and Hanging Lake pics, only to be able to salvage the ones we'd e-mailed. We tried recovering the pics from our memory card and they are not there. 'twas a moment of sheer brilliance.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Monday, July 21, 2008

No, Dear Internets, I Did Not Go All Woe is Me...

Due to not getting the job and subsequently go MIA from my blogginess.

I have been:
  • Bitten with the love bug - for my hubs and kiddos, how did I ever forget how amazing they are?
  • Catching up with the dreaded vacation laundry, dun-da-dun...which actually is not that bad given the above :sigh:
  • Gettin' physical with Charlie Brown...ohhhh....yeaaaaaaaah...
  • Keepin' a secret that I cannot divulge on here, or to many of my IRL peeps, but oh my crap do I just want to shout it from the mountain tops
  • Getting some time outdoors, filling up on the sun
  • Cleaning my house
  • Catching up at work
  • Soul-searching

And that's why I've been a little absent. Will check in more.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 17, 2008

No Down Time for YOU!


No dice on the job that was too-good-to-be-true.

I don't know why - I didn't ask why. I don't really want to know why.

I just wonder what it was all supposed to mean - I mean, I wasn't even looking for a different job; I love my job...mostly...there are times when I'm bored, and long for the community building parts of it that seem to have all but disappeared - the people part of it, because right now it feels monotonous and too paper worky. But I have a great Boss - quirky as all hell, but loveable and someone with whom I can swap "Tales from the White Trash Can," as we have come to call them.

What is so frustrating is that it SEEMED like the ideal situation, it SEEMED like the lights were green all the way, and nowhere along the way did God hand me a roadsign telling me to U turn ASAP and just STAY PUT WHERE U ARE AT GIRL! Which is basically what I prayed for.

Naw....He made me conflict and contort my emotions such that I didn't know what I wanted. Such the guy He is, making the woman do all the work, :smirk: I kid, I kid....

But after all that? I ran into the red light of rejection bay-bay. :insert screeching brakes sound here:

It's dawned on me that I don't necessarily need the additional time to be Super-Full-Time-Working-Part-Time-Grad-Schooling-Volunteering-
Involved-Parenting-Woman that this job might have given me (I say might, because after digesting the interview it sounds like they underestimated the time commitment for ALL that they are unloading onto this position), rather I need more of Him and less of me.

"I love you SO much, Daahr!"

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

In Which Casa del Meyer Gets Bitten by a Love Bug

It's been pretty mushy gushy at our otherwise sarcastic household this week.

You know what they say, absence making the heart fonder and all of least with the kids. Between me and Charlie Brown? All the togetherness made us so fond of each other that, ahem, separation has proved nearly impossible and definitely shortlived once in the same building again ;)

The other night LMNOB was crying because she had some kind of a cyst in her eye glands and it was causing her pain (said cyst is now long-gone) and Punkinhead just went over to her, put his hand on her, bowed his head, put his hands in praying formation and says, "Dear God, please make Sissy's eye better, it hurtses her." This, from my child who normally refuses to pray and whose normal bend is to annoy the crap out of his sister, was too precious, and I teared up.

In true Casa del Meyer form, I made a brief joke about it - "Awwww, you guys finally listened to me. Have you been practicing long?" (point of reference: I always tell them to at least act like they love each other when they are being real pains in the buttocks). Later I told them both how sweet it was and how much it meant to me to see them acting so lovingly toward each other.

We have all been more huggy/kissy with each other. The kids' hugs just have an earnestness to them, having been apart for so long, that makes them even more delicious than normal. I'm milking this one as long as I can get it, ya know?

Charlie Brown has been a total hornball, and that equates to quite a bit more parental hanky panky in the kids' view. They crack me up, with their intimacy radars, as usually the moment Charlie Brown reaches for me, there's a kiddo in between us, wanting to get in on the lovin'. I don't mind at all - in fact it seems to have made us all closer.

Charlie Brown's "I love you's" have been rampant, and mine are much more free-flowing than normal as well. Tuesday night, he said, "I'm SO in love with you," which meant Fergie began playing in my head - this works to his advantage as that is a pretty hip little make-out ditty. Of course last night, when we were talking, I was a little slow on the uptake on something and he jokingly goes, "Daahr, Heather," to which I replied, "Nice. 'I'm SO in love with you, daahr!'" and we broke into a fit of giggles. Another inside joke.

Later, as we were home and tangled up on the couch, he told me, "It is like our relationship is brand new again. I'm thinking about you all the time, and just can't wait to be with you. Work sucks...."

So what, honey, are we to just up and hightail it to a commune where it's all about making love? LOL. Nah, actually, I quite agree with him.

What a blessing. God knew just what we needed and I know He is smiling over our shoulders as He sees our household smitten with His love bug.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pictures, Because They Say More than I Have Time To Right Now

Photobucket Hanging Lake - this same scene is in galleries for thousands - it is a celebrated photo throughout Colorado (although this one was taken with our camera - the lake has remained virtually unchanged for years!)

Behind Sprouting Rock at Hanging Lake

Photobucket At Kite Lake, that night we camped there was a rainbow

Photobucket On the way up Mt. Democrat (I told Seth that was a sign, lol - as he is more Republican than me, he didn't much care for that!)

Photobucket At the false summit of Mt. Democrat. I was so bummed to see there was more!

Photobucket at the summit! What a truly moving and victorious experience!

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack!!!

OMG, this trip was the BEST.  THING.  EVER!!!


I have so much to share with you, dear internets, but Real Life is calling.  She's kind of a nag, ya know?!?  After I've sufficiently caught up, I will be posting more.  Also, I did write an anniversary post, but uh, well I did it the old fashioned way (with pen and paper) while Charlie Brown was fishing.  It was very poetic and artsy to write in the mountains at the side of an alpine stream - but now I have to type that sucker out :)


I interview for the PT spot today and will let you know what I know when I know!


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Checking in to say

I landed the interview!

Tomorrow we leave the kiddos and embark on our couples only journey.

We thoroughly enjoyed yesterday and today I got a pedicure - taking the kids along to get manis for the girls (3M is with us) and Smurfy blue toenails for the boy. Fun times!

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 3, 2008

And We're Off....

Heeee! I'm so excited.

Yesterday the rings I ordered for our anniversary came. And Charlie Brown is none the wiser. I can't wait until next Friday night when I give him his.

After work today (holy crap is that gonna make for a long day), we are OFF. FOR 11 DAYS!!! Seven of which will blissfully be child-free.

Whatever shall we do with each other?!? ;)

Peace, y'all - I'm gonna miss ya, but we so need this trip.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

5 Years Earlier....

On this very day, Punkinhead made his way into the world. He was so very small, being early - and kind of looked like a saggy baggy elephant with all his skin but no fat or muscle to fill it out.

Today he is 5. I hope that 5 is a wee but easier than 4 has been. But 5, my baby is a school-ager now.

Happy Birthday Buddy.

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

O, O, O!!!!

Note to BlogHer: No, Zestra is not paying me to write this. You MUST see if they would like to play in our ad program - because EVERY WOMAN needs to know about this product.


Remember how I said that I lost my friend, O? (And no, that does not stand for Oprah or her mag) Because of the very necessary evil that is an SSRI antidepressant? And then I said, well, she's not GONE forEVER....just not a frequent flier like she used to be?

Well...that last part's still true. As is the fact that she doesn't pack as much of a bang with her anymore, and well, lately I've been kind of ambivalent because why do ALL THAT WORK for ho-hum?

I mean, when a girl breaks out the toys and the O is still just so-so...meh.

So tonight I'm at Wally World picking up some last minute stuff for our trip. (2 more days!) And I walk by the condom/lube display when I saw something I'd not seen before.

After thoroughly checking it out, I decide what the hay, right?

After a trial run....I have this to say:

RUN, do not walk, and go get thee some Zestra!

I have tried some other stuff that was "sensual," and "warming," etc, and they all fell rather flat.

Not only did my O show up to the party, but she packed a toe-curling wallop that I haven't felt in 2 months or so.

:enter contented sigh:


I am sharing all of this because I'm haunted by Madeline Albright: There is a special circle in hell for women who don't help other women.

I'm HELPING, y'all!

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved