Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Still Tinkering

Well, folks we have a header!

Thanks so much to Jen and the help she gave me on it.

And to Charlie Brown for entertaining my hobby the past few days as I:
  1. Asked him to play photo-shoot with me
  2. Stayed on the computer for obscene amounts of time trying to get just the right look
Thank you....it means a lot.

Now....I just need to figure out how to:

  1. Make my "paneling" the same length as the whole blog
  2. Fix the paint splatters

And focus my energy on the things begging for my attention...

This little project has been a perfect excuse for me to ignore the elephant in the room....

© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved


  1. Hey there. Got to you through Lunanik.

    Well, I don't know what your former look was, but I like what you've got going on. :)

  2. I likey! Its mommastantrum.... check my comments. She has an aspie!

  3. Oh come on that's ALL you! I had fun inspiring! ;)

  4. I just realized one of your "categories" is labeled Cheaper Than Therapy!...You are so my inspiration!

  5. Looks great Red! That's a great shot of you!

  6. I love the background! I'm redoing mine soon, too.
