Not with people - no, I'm pretty darned steadfast and loyal and all that jazz when it comes to people.
What I'm talking about is a perpetual resistance of commitment to routines, habits, things that become rote exercises in life.
Start a new eating style (read: diet)? And I'm off the wagon in short order.
Daily challenges? I might make it a week.
Regular budgeting? Yeah, I KNOW I need to get committed to that one.
I don't know what it is, precisely, but until recently I figured it was some combination of boredom, self-sabotage, poor time management, and sheer lack of will power.
But then....
Enter a MOPS meeting.
And epiphany followed soon thereafter.
This is pretty typical - if you are a mama of kiddos in the womb to kindergarten, find a local MOPS group and join.
We discussed some material from Jennifer Degler re: the things that energize or drain your life, wherein a point was made that sometimes in this season of life, you're not going to get chunks of time that are task-sized such that you can sit down and do something that matters to you from start to finish. So you capitalize on the chunks you do get.
I have a hard time getting out of that all or nothing mind-set.
Self-application = exercise.
I don't mind exercising - I mean, it's not like the thing I live to do everyday, but once I do it, I feel better. Bonus - it makes me healthier too.
But finding the time???
I work 30 hrs/wk, have 3 kids aged 5-13 which means homework and activities, I do some freelancing work on the side, am actively involved in my church, and the list goes on and on and on.
Finding the 30-60 minutes to get an effective workout (and the resulting need for another 15-30 minutes for a shower, make-up, hair and dressing session) was not working and I just couldn't seem to find the time to get it all in.
So the pounds crept back on, and guilt plagued me.
For Christmas, I asked for a fitness tracker in hopes of having more awareness of what I actually did in the course of a day and be able to gauge where I needed to step it up (pun sort of intended). After looking at the specs between FitBit and Jawbone UP, I went with the Jawbone.
It has really helped me to see where/when I need to shake things up and move.
But back to this time chunking thing.
I came to the realization that if I broke up exercise into little chunks, that I could actually squeeze it in. After getting my middleschoolers out the door at 6:30, I had a window from 6:30 to 7:00 that I could get a little loop in for walking/running before my husband had to leave and it was time to get my kindergartener up and ready for his mornings.
Add to it that I've been getting out during my lunch hour and fitting in 30 minutes of walking/jogging as often as I can. The end result is not always the Heather that looks and smells the best after lunch, but I feel better. And I'm getting that hour/day of activity, averaging 3.25-4 miles and getting a whole lot more calories burned than sitting on my duff would.
I'm sleeping better. Eating better. FEELING SO MUCH BETTER.
This is the year, peeps, the year that I reclaim my health and well-being in little chunks here and there. #20FITteen made possible by making opportunities instead of waiting for them to drop into my lap.
What can YOU accomplish if you did it in bits and pieces this year?