Monday, March 13, 2006


I just went to the bathroom at work for the umpteenth time today (I had 3 cups of java this morning instead of my usual 1), and while washing my hands, I caught a glimpse of it in the mirror.

It being a flash of silvery white in my otherwise gold & copper hair...I had highlights put in for the gold, about 4 wks ago? Upon closer's exactly what I think it is. My first gray (white, really, as it's totally devoid of color - well, only the first inch that is new growth - the remainder of the strand is highlighted) hair.

My 27th birthday is 2 months away, I'm not even 30 yet! Is it possible? Dang...I guess it is....and as I said, it's pigment-impaired...white. Is it my destiny to be a peach-haired woman at age 30? Or worse yet, will I have that painfully obvious, artificially red hair which results when one colors WHITE hair? People already think me older than I am, with two children in tow, past the seven year itch of marriage, and my wise-for-my-times I really have to look the part, too?

And then...perspective hits my over-caffeinated, vanity-stricken, totally shallow mind-set:

My good friend, same age as me, just lost the baby of her first pregnancy to miscarriage.

I have a home, food to eat, work to provide those commodities, and a family who loves me...How many thousands of people from Lousianna and Mississippi still can't say that?

Geeze, it really is nothing in comparison to what really matters, is it?

Nothing at all...For that, I can count my blessings.

Besides...I'm now one hair and one day closer to my supposed sexual peak ;o) right? Bring it on!


  1. Welcome to the club, sister! I think I found my first one at the ripe "old" age of 18, and I've got boatload of them now, although my DH (who's been salt & peppery since his early twenties) would tell you different. Miss Clairol invented her products so young chicks like us could look as young as we feel. Order it up!

    p.s. - Been lurking here since you first posted about it on our board. Love the way you write, and love learning more about you!

  2. LOL, no doubt....I have been experimenting with haircolor products since the kids...seems pregnancy drained some of the red out of my hair, and I don't like that!

    Thanks for lurking and your kind words about my steam of consciousness style...I can be totally random at times!
