Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hodge Podgery

*****, I was in a bathroom stall seriously glad for the fact that I am not a conspiracy theorist who is constantly fearful that big brother is watching. Reason being? I spent nearly 5 MINUTES wrestling with the damn cellophane wrapper on an OB tampon, and couldn't for the life of me get it to open. So you can understand the gratitude that I silently felt when I realized that I could be under the delusion that everything I do is seen and heard and that this would be grounds for serious mental anguish were I to actually be in the paranoid schizophrenic camp. It's the small things sometimes, I tell ya.

****** LMNOB's school, two things of note:
First, Ms. S marveled at how well LMNOB is doing recently. Particularly in regards to separating from me in the mornings. I KNOW!!! She basically has been kicking me to the curb every morning, instead of having to be pried off of me with the jaws of life. A miraculous improvement, among others.

Second, M tells LMNOB loudly, "You're the smartest girl I ever met!" and it's all because she made the distinction that "next recess" was actually going to be tomorrow as they were planning just how they were going to play together next. All the other girls are so obviously NOT detail oriented, and you most certainly ARE, LMNOB - to the point of obsession. I just cracked me up, the level of awe that was genuinely in his voice. LMNOB, you might consider this in your future with M - men who are in touch with their feelings are great.

How many ADHD kids to change a light bulb? Hey, where's my bike?
(thanks Ms. S)

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