Thursday, January 17, 2008

Such a boost to crappy day

I'll post the crappy day details tomorrow sometime. Or maybe not, depends on what I think about it after I sleep on it.

Also - it will depend on the feedback I receive from a lengthy e-mail I sent to some fellow city employees tonight.

Anyway, the boost, without further ado, comes from Ms. M, LMNOB's teacher(proud mama emphases, mine):

A couple of things... thanks for the hook-up to your last blog about LMNOB. I like to hear that my kids are making these strong connections out of class too!

Just an FYI for you (however, I will be sharing all of this with you at your next conference in February) LMNOB read a passage for me today that was at the 4th grade level! She is doing amazing. She is a great decoder and her comprehension kept up with her. After answering the questions, and I scored it, this particular passage was right between the instructional and frustrational level for her.
She did amazing with it!

To answer your question about the backpack... after our bear hug, I asked her if she felt like she wanted/needed some "work" this morning and she said yes. I suggested taking her coat off and putting her backpack back on. She didn't even hesitate and said "ok".

That last part referred to a hard sensory issue morning we had this morning. Her backpack always has her weighted lap pad/rice bag in it, so it was good input.

My girlie is doing so well in the realm of reading. She just started reading Little House books, courtesy of my sister's Christmas gift to her, and is loving them.


  1. Oh! Little House! I remember discovering those for the first time. It took up almost an entire summer, but it was worth it.

    Of course, I think I was a couple years older than LMNOB
