I quit my job working in local government to stay home with the kids. While it has been invaluable to me and the kids to have this time together, there are some days when I look back and think, What the hell were we thinking?
Our finances have been shaky ever since.
Colton has changed dramatically since he became a middle child....and on days when the doubt surfaces, I often mourn the loss of the easy-going, agreeable little boy that he was before we had three kiddos vying for our attention and affections.
I'm often overwhelmed, wondering how I ever did half as much as I did while working full-time, going to school part-time and volunteering because now? I find myself floundering, a lot.
I remember.
I'm working on publishing my Facebook Timeline (gotta go in there and delete all of that TMI kind of stuff I used to post back when it was just my interwebs friends on FB, before the whole free world jumped aboard). In doing so, yesterday I found myself drawn to May, 2009.
The start of it all.
Heather Blair Meyer is @ PVH w/pneumonia and an obscene amt of fluid outside of her lungs
Heather Blair Meyer 
May 13, 2009 at 10:25am via BlackBerry

Heather Blair Meyer 

May 17, 2009 at 8:44am via mobile
Heather Blair Meyer
Heather Blair MeyerIs going home tomorrow! I expect my room will be a zoo in the morning
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