Friday, March 20, 2020

Now Featuring: Tact and Humility

Two posts in one day?

Is this 2006, the hey-day of blogging, relived?


Just thought I'd balance out my last post with some more diplomatic, dare I say, tactful, words about current events.

One of my favorite quotes, and a challenge to which I aspire!

Yesterday I sent a message to our Celebrate Recovery group at church regarding our need to pause our meetings while we figure out remote options during COVID-19 mandates for social distancing.

I got several messages back saying, "Wow, great message," so I figured I'd share in the event that something resonates with anyone else.

COVID-19 Changes to CR

Hello brothers and sisters, it's Heather here with a message from Bob and myself.
This week there will be no meeting.
 And, despite what was said in the group text thread last night, we are recommending that group members do not push for meetings on our own as individuals. 
This is in compliance with recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, Governor Polis, Larimer County Department of Public Health and Environment, and our own elders here at Meadowlark. This virus is real, and while most of us would have a mild occurrence of it personally, if we are still going out to occasionally get groceries, gas, etc., you never know if/when one of us may have been exposed and whether we could transmit it to people who may be especially vulnerable to the infection. This is a time for mutual submission and humility when it comes to doing what we need to do.

Coping with Feelings
Some of us may be feeling like this is all a bit much, possibly overkill, in the response, and that is ok - if we do this right, that is how it will especially seem in hindsight. On the other hand, some of us might be feeling like their fellow Christians are being dismissive about the concerns, and therein, testing God. This is not an either/or time, friends - it's both/and. Both are completely valid.

Some of us may be anxious about the economic impacts this may have for you individually, locally, nationally, and/or globally - and that is also ok. This is a time of confusion and a lot of unknowns. Fortunately, we serve a God who does know and is watching out for us.

Some of us may be freaking out about being "up-close and personal" with the whole fam-dam-ily for the rest of the school year (especially those of us with kids still at home). That is also a valid concern. There are a TON of resources online for families to refer to regarding this. I also know that Shannon Chandler and Daniel Wheat (Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry at Meadowlark, respectively) are working to develop tools and activities as well.

There are going to be a LOT of feels right now - and the best way to temper them is to examine those thoughts and make them submit to the will of Christ (Romans 12:2).

So, let's all be still, take a pause, and gain some perspective in the spirit of Romans Chapter 14 with respect to our various thoughts and feelings about the coronavirus and how we are dealing with it en masse.

Moving Forward and Staying Connected
CR: Bob and I are working on ways to get CR meetings accomplished remotely starting next week. I think we can utilize Zoom to do meetings remotely, and will be getting information out to people later to explain how to do this. In the meantime - I've linked a roster with everyone's contact information (except M's as I don't have it). Do not hesitate to reach out to anyone in our group "just because," or if you 
  • Feeling triggered and/or tempted to use/act out in sin
  • Struggling with your thoughts/emotions
  • Want to pray/study with someone
  • Have a physical need for food/supplies
Meadowlark Information: If you do not receive the members-list emails from Meadowlark, please email to get added to the distribution list. There are communications coming out frequently with updates as to the state of current affairs, as well as prayer requests that are made known to the body.

Inspiration: If you are like me, inspirational scriptures and quotes are helpful to meditate upon, particularly with imagery. To this end, I have a Pinterest Board I've called CR that I'd like to share with you that could help facilitate some quiet time of reflection.

Retracted: Prayer requests specific to the folks in our group that stay in CR.

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