Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mommy and LMNOB All Alone Tomorrow

Since January 1 this year, I've had every other Wednesday off of work, otherwise working Tues-Thurs. It's a screwy schedule...sort of. You see, I cheat. Since my daycare provider isn't likely to fill two slots that only are available 2x/month, I still pay for, and receive childcare on those days. Yes, I get two blissful days a month to myself...sometimes.

One time the kids were too sick for daycare.

Another time, something else came up.

Tomorrow...it's kindergarten registration (again -that's going to have to be another post), and I told LMNOB that we would have a Mommy and Me day where we would drop Punkin-head off at the daycare, go home and paint each other's nails, tell funny stories, go get Mommy's haircut (with a real stylist, not a Fantastic Sam's generi-stylist!), and do lunch before we had to go to the school.

She's excited, and this morning said, "Mama? Can we get our fancy clothes on tomorrow?"

"Sure, sugar plum, whatever you like."

Seeing her face BEAMING with anticipation, I stop and think to myself.
Why oh why haven't we done this before?

I hope this is the beginning of MANY Mommy and Me Moments with her.


  1. Awwwwwww sweeet!!! You have to post before and after shots of hair, toes and nails :)

  2. How wonderful! I hope you two have a great time.
