So, we had Mommy and LMNOB sittin' in a tree... day today. Not too much K-I-S-S-I-N-G, but a few showers of smooches made their way to her. She was so giddy today with the one on one attention. Definitely a must-encore tradition!
First, we dropped Punkinhead off at daycare. LMNOB made a big to-do out of it; when I prompted him for hugs and kisses, she followed suit, saying, "Give sissy kisses, PH." I about choked at the parroting she displayed there, but winked knowingly at our daycare provider instead.
Then, we stopped by Wild Oats to get Charlie Brown some lunch...he's been off to the gym first thing in the morning this week, and today he didn't get lunch fixed, knowing I was going to be around... We also picked up some tasty strawberries and organic granola...mmm.
We ate breakfast at home, on the patio - it was a gorgeous 70 degree day today, until the afternoon showers hit, but I knew that was going to happen - thanks to Kathy Sabine on last night's news. Then we goofed around with the camera some...I still haven't figured out the delay, and our "table tripod" is flat out worthless. So, if you see my arm extended, it's b/c I am snapping the shots and posing simultaneously.
This one probably turned out the best:
Hee-hee, armlength photos are funny:
Aww, a sweet little nuzzle
After we played around, we got out the nail polish..and my footscrub, gel and lotion. LMNOB practically floated to cloud 9 at this point. I have to agree, the mint-eucalyptus treatment with a light breeze tickling the feet was VERY refreshing. Then, to rinse, we used the hose - bbrrrrr, but we had a great time, squealing and giggling like we were both 5 years old! Toes and fingers both got painted. I chose a dusty rose while LMNOB picked two different glitter polishes: one for fingers, one for toes - and it's all about sparkle right now!
Next we finalized cuts I was going to talk to the stylist about (my hair has a wave and it doesn't always work with every cut). LMNOB demonstrated a non-traditional view of beauty by consistently commenting that the more punk or goth models in the hair mag were "beauty-full." This surprised me, as well as thrilled me, given her inclination to all things Disney Princess and Barbie right now. I nabbed this teachable moment and talked to her about beauty - though she quickly told me, "Mama, I know! God doesn't make ugly people, and He made us all, so we all have something pretty about us!" complete with eyeroll - Have I mentioned she is 5 going on 16? It makes me giggle at times, and pull my hair out at other times. Nevertheless, she is quite confident in this idea of beauty-comes-in-all-shapes-sizes-and-colors idea.
Then, I got my hair cut. This is my before pic - non-stylized:
And After:
We all loved it!
We had a lot more time than I had anticipated between the cut and the kindy registration, so I tried to figure out a fun Mommy-n-me activity.
"Hey sweetie, wanna go to Starbucks and get a steamer while Mommy gets a coffee?"
This is a very rare treat, and as you can imagine, is right up her alley.
I ordered my new favorite: a marble mocha macchiato with an extra shot of espresso (otherwise it's too sweet and too little coffee!). LMNOB ordered a raspberry steamer and a chocolate muffin for us to share. We sat in the tall chairs along the window edge of the café and gabbed like old girlfriends. We talked about the art in the store, and about expectations for kindergarten. We had a delightful time that I'll treasure for a lifetime. My little girl is not a baby anymore...sniff sniff ;-(
Next: Kindergarten Registration.
LMNOB was very impressed. I was not. We registered, however, I'm still checking out other options, like new charter schools.
All in all, many memories made....more to follow. I love this little girl, who is more and more like me than I realized - physically and emotionally.
Woweee! you guys sound like you had a blast!!! Definately an encore!