Sooo...this week on the homeless count front:
-Monday, I wrote a report of completed activities on the project thus far, those up ahead, and attached an early revision of my contacts spreadsheet. Then I sent it to all who have put in to pay me, herein referred to as the "investors," as well as the state folks coordinating the project.
-Tuesday, I spoke to our local Homeless Task Force - a grassroots group comprised of agency reps and citizens who'd rather take a vigilante approach to our homeless problem, the latter of which have made this group rather ineffective. As luck would have it, the agency reps were pushing for more structure and organization for the HTF so they could become more effective, including prioritization of projects, clarifying missions and values, etc. I stepped right in, as the homeless count would be a terrific starting place - once the actual number for our area is known, it will give them a better idea of which things are first and second order on the task list. After that meeting, I spoke to our local paper's city reporter about the project, which went in the paper.
- The rest of the week, I worked on finishing the afore mentioned spreadsheet of contacts for the county. If anyone has any political aspirations in my county, I've got a great list of contacts going on: City Councilors, Town Trustees, Mayors, Citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions, Agencies both Government and Non-Profit, School District Contacts, Newspapers, Faith Community,etc etc.
-Yesterday, I worked on a press release and sent it to everyone on said contact list. did you know that Outlook won't allow 300 e-mail addys on the same distribution list? LOL
Also yesterday, the woman from the National Research Center in Boulder who is the Statewide Logistics Coordinator for the project, called me and told me how wonderful my work was and that she was going to be using it as a model for the other "rural" communities in the state that she would be working with! WOW! That was an awesome boost to the self-esteem :D
I'm hoping that my career path will be set with this project...God's blessed me much.
Wow. Way to go! Sounds like a great ministry.