Thursday, June 22, 2006

Down with the Devil!

So, anyone can pray and talk with God openly, right? Why not be able to tell the Devil just how we feel? Well, I've got a message of wrath for the evil one:

Satan, you're really making me angry. Angry like you've seen before, with Him. So, with the blood of my Savior all around me, I'm showing you the door. You're getting kicked to the curb, by some massive, bouncer looking angels. Yeah, they'll make it hurt.

I realize that means you're probably gonna be really mad and want revenge.

Bring it - I've got the Big Guy who MADE you on my side. My mama always said, "I brought you into this world - I can take you out!" Just think what the God of the Universe has done and could do with you.

You leave my friends alone! I've had it with your games, your lies, and the pure crap you're dumping on them. Jesus conquered you, once and for all - why don't you just get that? We hear how crafty and cunning you are, but I keep thinking like AA - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. With that in mind, you're one crazy dude - Nothing you do will ever erase the fact that you've been defeated. Pretty stupid wasting your time and effort like that for naught, but then what else are ya going to do?

My God He was
My God He is
My God he's always gonna be

You stay away from me, I've got the blood of the lamb upon me and mine - you got it?

Father, God - I'm calling to YOU now.
Help my family and friends to overcome the plagues of Satan.
Create new hearts in us all - help us to remember our joy in Christ's sacrifice.
Grant us peace, LORD, to weather life's storms.
I love you, and thank you for all that you have blessed me with.

Love ya,

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