Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Memories : 6/12

Monday Memories: Did I ever tell you about THE FIRST PRO BASEBALL GAME WE TOOK THE KIDS TO?

Probably not, because it was just last Monday, lol.

At work last week, the Planning Dept. Director poked his head in my office and asked if my boss and I would be interested in 4 tickets to the Rockies game that night. One of the City Councilors had season tickets for 4 seats and couldn't go. The boss said no, she had plans. I habitually thought, "No, we don't have any money," as it's usually true ;) But then I reconsidered and told him I might be, that I had to check with my husband.

I called Charlie Brown and proposed going to Denver immediately after work, it wouldn't cost us but parking and cheap dinner at McD's. We had decided earlier this year that we wanted to spend more time actually savoring the summer with the kids, instead of whiling away the summer doing the same ole same ole. He said sure, the gas tank was full on my car, I needed to go to the ATM and get cash for parking, grab some McD's and he'd meet me at home ASAP. (The game began at 7:05, and he gets off work at 5:30 - usually home by 6, and Denver's an hour away.)

So, I nabbed the tickets (note to self - I STILL need to get a thank you card for Councilor Heckel) and picked the kids up from daycare, telling them we had a special treat that night.

The drive there was mostly uneventful, 'cept that Punkinhead became Gummy Head;Peppermint variety, along the way. No scissors on hand, pocket knife or anything - and the gum was not coming out! So, we capped him with my Rockies hat.

Yeah, I'm the mom who, sometimes, when the kids wet the bed, just grabs a towel and tells them to sleep on that, I'll change the sheets in the morning.

We found parking for a mere $5 relatively close to Coors Field. When the stadium came into the kids' view more, the excitement bubbled to the surface. On the way around the stadium's inside perimeter, Punkinhead caught a view of the field, and virtually danced as he exclaimed, "Mom! Beecepahll payers! Beecepahll payers!"

It was then that Chuck and I exchanged a glance that said, if nothing else, it's worth it for THAT alone!
LMNOB was excited too, and dancing around, asking, "Where's the cheerleaders?" We told her she could be the cheerleader.

We took our seats, and GREAT - 16th row behind the visitor's dugout- ones they were! Charlie Brown told me, "If you ever get these seats offered again - TAKE THEM. Even if we can't go, we can give them to friends!"

The guy behind us was on a date, with his parents too. No, he wasn't a teenager - I'd guess late 30's. But he was HILARIOUS - that winning combination of extreme trivia knowledge , current events, and wit. His running commentary, that only ceased while he took intermission, was a pleasure, and he bantered back and forth with LMNOB and Punkinhead as they cheered and jeered alternately - depending on who was at bat. As the cameras panned the audience, he roped us into playing "celebrity look alikes." When there was a little league team on the air, he instantly proclaimed, "Bad News Bears," and had Chuck and I in stitches. We ended up on the big screen twice, which stoked LMNOB's ego - and had her dancing in the aisles in hopes of more tv time, lol. Funny man ended up taking our picture at the end:
(I hate my snaggle teeth! Ignore them)

The Rockies lost that night, but we had a blast.

Dinner for 4 at McD's - $12

Parking in Denver- $5

4 hot dogs with the $1 hot dog coupons @ entry - $4

4 free tickets to the Rockies game with a great view, good company and family memories: PRICELESS!

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