Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I (heart) my Subaru

Larimer County is under a heavy snow warning. Seeing as we already have about 5" on my patio table (pictures to follow), uh, DUH! They're saying 4-8" by the end of today in the Foothills - which is our area. But does that show up on the Denver-centric news channels? Puh-shah, right!?!'s freaking slick outside, b/c yesterday's "snow" (which was more like freezing rain) has made a nice bed of ICE under all this new snow. And, while the paint may be chipping off of my 1996 Subaru Legacy Sedan, while the inside, littered by kids and moi, further adds to the POS designation, it is a snow drivin' machine! While beamers and other hot-to-trot cars were sliding up the hills, spinning and stalling out, I was drivin' with the big boy SUV's, enjoying the safety and reliability of AWD and anti-lock brakes.

Well folks....I have much more to say, as always, but no time. I've got meetings beckoning my precious time. I'll be back....with photos.

Edited to add: Now, it is clear blue skies and snow is melting. We got about 5" - but now thanks to the sun, I can't prove it!


  1. Not only did I not leave the house today, I decided to stay in my pajamas as well. I'm sorry you had to drive in this crap, but so glad you were able to do it safely. Snow doesn't bother me as much as most people - I grew up in WI and we had snow from Oct. - March WITHOUT it ever melting off. Driving in snow was par for the course if you weren't in hibernation with the bears.

    I was catching up here today and wanted to thank you for being so transparent. ;) giggle giggle

    Looking forward to that play date!!

  2. Oh! I was so one of the sliding people you passed. My and my little Honda Civic are insanely jealous of your 4WD capacity.
