Thursday, March 1, 2007

72 thoughts on loving her; why's, how's and what's

  1. In my best Van Morrison voice, cuz she's "my-y brown eyed girl!"
  2. Sometimes...
  3. Other times, she's a "Green eyed lady, ocean lady, child of nature, friend of man."
  4. But regardless of their color, her eyes are totally expressive of her heart
  5. She's tender-hearted
  6. And painfully aware
  7. And yet, she doesn't let that awareness depress her
  8. Instead she asks me things like, "Mama, next time we need to put water in the homeless bags, cuz in the summer it's hot and they're probably thirsty."
  9. In the next breath, she's planning a royal princess wedding
  10. Down to the party favors and custom vows
  11. Which is why I think she'll be a professional events planner
  12. Because she is me as a child, incarnate in all respects, and stands as a constant reminder for me to love that little girl, both in her and in myself
  13. Her laugh is infectious
  14. She's a wonderful, albeit bossy, little mother to her brother and her peers
  15. She is confident enough to say, "Remember to make me a card that's nice" when she feels it is appropriate
  16. She doesn't back down
  17. (I love this for her future, not so much for the present)
  18. She is unusually creative
  19. In writing
  20. In music
  21. In drawing/sculpting/painting or just "art"
  22. And that's not just me sayin', her teachers do too
  23. Which makes me think that she might donate her art to charity auctions for the homeless
  24. She's a serious little bugger
  25. Pondering the deep spiritual truths of this life
  26. And keeps me honed on how to answer those angles
  27. but mostly, I look forward to the inevitable creation of her own faith
  28. She loves yoga/pilates
  29. And wearing skirts over pants
  30. She is in tune with the earth
  31. and is a green thumb, naturally
  32. As such, she is a comfort, reminding us of beloved Grandma Nina who is in Heaven now
  33. She is beautiful
  34. And I marvel that she came from my loins
  35. She grounds me, and reminds me of my limitations and when to reprioritize
  36. She makes me want to be a better person
  37. And usually gets me to do it, usually
  38. She's a slob - the only way I can justify putting that on this list is that Charlie Brown is too, and so she reminds me of him in that regard? A reach?
  39. She's a smarty, always thinking
  40. About EVERY.THING
  41. Everything I love in me is in her
  42. So is everything I hate about myself
  43. And while those are difficult to face, when they are wrapped up in her, it makes it somewhat easier to see more objectively
  44. She doesn't buy into traditional beauty
  45. Telling me frequently that some goth chick or a heavy woman is beautiful
  46. And sometimes, it makes me wonder if she can see into people's hearts without knowing them?
  47. Her enthusiasm is contagious
  48. She understands that my work is important to people less fortunate
  49. And she wants to help, too!
  50. She's getting really good at folding laundry - love that!
  51. She tells me the things I need to hear at all the right times
  52. She's something of an oddball, and I'm nothing if not a glutton for the oddballs in my life
  53. She gives me perspective, often that I've lost
  54. She's seen me at my absolute worst, and still loves me with everything she's got
  55. And I hope that I prove to be worthy of that love and trust
  56. She's my spring sunshine baby and brightens the darkest of days
  57. She can also roar in like a lion, much like the month of her birth, though
  58. Spring can be stormy too
  59. But we weather thru and are greeted by the wonder of new growth at the end of it all
  60. she mumbles when she talks and thus creates a special role for me as interpreter
  61. She also thinks faster than she can communicate, reinforcing my role of interpreter
  62. Cuz she's pink on a craptastically brown day
  63. She's re-taught me that pretty flowers make everything better
  64. and that band-aids don't always
  65. which is why I try to discipline the goods and the bads with lasting solutions
  66. but when I don't, there are always smiles when cookies are involved
  67. She takes turns leading and following
  68. And I'm glad to see the balance she has adopted
  69. Her friends are a diverse group, evidence that she is inclusive
  70. She still clings to her blankie at night, and that reassures me that she's still a baby
  71. She negotiates, often pushing her luck, but she's learning
  72. Because she's ours, the first fruit of our union


  1. That's a great gift to let your daughter know all the things she means to you. She can can have this 'list' forever and know what special strengths and talents she has now and no matter what happens in the future, be able to draw from this and know she is loved. ~sis-in-law

  2. Thank you for Stopping by to leave a comment. I began to ramble in response to yours, that I decided to stop by this morning leave a message direct.
    I like the set up of your blog very cool and I appreciate your opinion.

  3. p.s I was looking at your list and that is really sweet, I had 5 sons and when I finally had a daughter, I knew the magic that was involved in raising this lol let me go ahead and say it.... label 1 my little angel, lol label 2 my princess and lol my sons tell me all the time quit telling her she is a princess. Well of this clan she is. lol
