Sunday, July 29, 2007

I Promise..........

I really do not let my children watch all that much TV.

You would never know it by my daughter, though.

LMNOB has been a marketer's dream baby since she was able to talk; if she heard an ad, it was instantly stored in her memory bank for the next, oh, 100 years! and then parroted at random until I or Charlie Brown caved and bought. the. damned. toy. hoping it would end the madness of relentless ad repeating.

My favorite one was after a spill of Gatorade, or something equally colorful, on our carpet and she, quite seriously, told me, "Mama, you need some of the new formula OxiClean it will lift that stain off without scrubbing in no time!"

The other day, at daycare, the younger kids flip-flopped eating habits with the older kids, finishing first. M said, "Wow, you guys are trading spaces with your eating today."

Without missing a beat, LMNOB says, "I also like What Not to Wear and Wife Swap."

Again, I swear, my kids do not sit around the tube all day...


  1. That's hilarious! My kids are the same way though... we watch very little TV, but the other day while playing make-believe at Grandma's house, my 6-year-old announced "and next time we'll reveal who is the Next Food Network Star!"

    It was just too cute.

  2. Ha! My daughter always quotes Dora and Curious George.
