Enough already, Heather! Enough focusing on the negative, time to turn the damn coin over.
Why I Love You
A wise person I know once said,“The character traits of our loved ones are like coins~ the side we see now may be the dirty and dull side of the coin after years of weathering, but if we turn it back over, the shiny side is still there...Those things we love in our mates are still there, have always been there, we just forget to look at the shiny side.”
So, dear husband, I commit to remembering the shiny side of you.This book is for you to see into my heart and know just why it is I love you. It’s also for me…I will have this book to remind me of the gleaming goodness in you when the daily grind tries to tarnish over it. I will remember just how good we’ve got it together.
For the times when I am aggravated by what appears to be immaturity….
I will remember that you have an eternal youthfulness about you, by which you are filled with hope, idealism, and faith that good and God will prevail. I admire that about you.
For the times I when I wish you would just be serious…
I will remember the ease that your sense of humor provides when we’re in hard
times.I will remember that you desire, more than anything, for people to be
happy, and you strive to achieve that with your fun-loving wit.And…I will remember that I promised to do the very same for you.
It's so easy to be caught up in the dull drudgeries of life. I just pray we can get back to the shiny side in a manner such that it's our focus, and not just the pep talk I'm trying to kickstart my thinker with here.
Here's to the shiny side! But why is my word verification sypoo? Not a good reinforcement of your blog!