Monday, November 5, 2007

This is Exactly Why I Question Things

Remember my Q and S answers on this post?

Well, my good blogging friend Niki and I share that mindset. She wrote a post awhile back about the horrible trend known as "slacktivism," (bred by the perpetuation of mass e-mails containing misinformation, correct information that's horribly out of context, and/or just plain falsehoods) that resonated deeply within me.

She's on a roll again with her latest post re: the inboxer outcry against The Golden Compass. She's got some great and valid points (emphases mine):

...I noticed that all of the warnings were pointing back to the article on So I read the article. I followed all of the links and resources and found that in several places the author was mis-quoted or someone’s opinion about the books were stated as fact. I read a lot of people’s comments that began with “I heard”. Not very many of the people commenting and interviewing had actually read the books.... suspected.
...In several of the interviews I read, Mr. Pullman seemed to take issue with
believers not walking our walk. We just talk like we do. Ouch. Mr. Pullman said it’s too bad we as believers don’t live like the Gospels say we should. I can see where he gets that. We are usually uncomfortable with major differences of opinion over anything spiritual. Those we disagree with are sometimes shunned or persecuted themselves. We forget the love we’re supposed to be treating each other with. We don’t allow for much exploration and examination of faith. We tend to expect people to just accept and when someone has deep, serious questions that beg for answers, we get frustrated that they don’t just “get it” and join our cause. Could this be where he is coming from?...

Well said Niki - 'tis truth you are speaking.

Finally she wraps up with words I couldn't agree more with:

I know sometimes it’s hard to know what to speak up about and what to remain silent on. I like to think believers have good intentions when they do jump on these bandwagons. I just wish it wasn’t so selective. Since I don’t know a single person who has read these books, I’m going to read the books myself over the next few weeks and blog about what I find. But right now, here’s what I want us to think about:
1. We usually find what we’re looking for in books and movies. Good or bad.
2. Sometimes we get what we don’t bargain for. Good and bad.
3. There are spiritual lessons to be learned all around us - in both the good and bad. We shouldn’t go looking for the bad, but we shouldn’t assume everything is bad either.
4. We need to know the facts then make an informed decision.
5. We need to love and not judge those who come to different conclusions than we do. That is the way to walk our walk. There is only one judge and our role is that of the sinner. Sinners don’t get to judge other sinners…and we all are.
6. We need to pray for Mr. Pullman. Like my friend told me yesterday, he could very well be a Prodigal son. [Hammy here - totally right even if you decide that the movie is not for you in the end, ought you not to be asking people to pray for this man when sending your e-mails out?]
7. What is it in us that wants to warn others? Is it true concern, or is it slacktivism?

But don't just take my word for it that she wrote a great and provocative post - go see the post in its entirety and tell her yourself.


  1. They're fabulous books. And you're right, you can find whatever you want to in there.

    I found an amazing, coming-of-age fantasy series, with some good, moral lessons (patience, kindness, caring for the weak, the children, finding inner strength, love, etc.)... even if they are not quintessentially "Christian."

  2. Thanks for posting that, Hammy. I left a comment for Niki...I couldn't have said it better myself!
