Written in 1785 vernacular, some of my friends have written this song off as irrelevant to new Christians. "Sigh, we sang the Ebenezer song today - who is gonna know what that means?"
And certainly, whilst I was a young Christian, I had no clue what some of the words meant, as I hadn't studied them yet. But, I have always been a literary lover and a musical maven who can spot worship fairly easily. As such the song has always had a fond place in my heart.
Yesterday, we had a sermon on Ebenezer. And it was wonderful. Check it out for yourself if you are so inclined.
I found myself nodding several times. I felt encouraged, because while I may tend to be quiet in evangelical endeavors, I am very vocal about declaring and remembering the personal "Ebenezer!" moments in my life.
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The new "signature" is a nice look. I like it.