We'd originally planned to have me work PT after the job share went thru so that I could keep my insurance til delivery; but having spilled the beans to my boss the other day I now have some new details to consider.
The day after the big whoopsie, I came into work with an “About yesterday….” schpiel.
The Boss had one of her own. She’d been going back and forth about the job-share situation as she had details that I haven’t been privy to. That is, the City anticipates implementing a hiring freeze effective Jan. 1 (the start of their new FY) due to current economic conditions. This means that if a person is hired to job share with me prior to the end of the year and then I left, that the Boss would be stuck with 50% FTE in a 100% FTE job.
Ethically, I just don't feel like I can do that to her. And personally, I’m ready for some respite. But, wowzas….the reality of us hiring someone before the end of the year and me quitting looks butt-ugly.
I’d planned on staying on and staying mum about leaving so that we’d have health insurance coverage.
Kind of screwed that pooch – and I’m ambivalent about that too – on the one hand we’re not sure what is gonna happen health care wise, but on the other hand talk about a Huge Lie of Omission. I’m rather glad that we’ve taken the honest route – but scared to death about the financial realities.
Because I’m already pregnant individual health plans for families would look at the pregnancy as a “pre-existing condition” and cover nothing.
Charlie Brown’s employer coverage would have to give us “open enrollment” status if I quit/was fired, but even at that the plan sucks big time. Not only is it a $700+/month premium, but it is 70%/30% coinsurance with a $2000/person or $6,000/family deductible. OT coverage for LMNOB sucks – caps out at $2,000 per 12 mos (which is not much).
COBRA might be an option, but I’m doubtful since we’re covered as a family right now. Edited to add: Uh yeah, no snake oil insurance for us – monthly premiums of $1100+/month.
So there’s all the cons.
Ready for the pros?
I would have TIME. Time to reconnect with God, my husband, friends and community. Time to reclaim myself. Time to write – which could bring in income. Time to rest – which could save medical money. Time to volunteer in the kids’ classrooms before baby comes. Time to keep the house clean and spend quality time with the kids at home. Time to stick to a strict sensory diet for LMNOB that might eliminate the need for regular OT (we’re nearing the end of that path anyway – though it makes me sad because BT the OT is WONDERFUL!). Time to cook more home meals and order less takeout – time to actually be able to think and stick to a budget! This time thing alone is invaluable.
Also, I rather think I might enter the direct selling world. :gasp!: I thought I would NEVER EVER say that. I also never ever thought I’d say that I wanted to be a SAHM – so now is the time for never say never proclamations, eh? Lia Sophia has brought so much financial peace to my neighbor (who’s been at it PT for less than a year and is now bringing in as much as I gross FT), I believe in the product, their sales are going up despite an economic downturn, and it would give me a chance to revive my social side! I miss that lady. And the startup cost is CHEAP. So, perhaps some of these added costs could be offset.
No child-care costs. Fiscal or emotional. ‘Nuf said. Another cost-shift.
Baby’s due date coincides with Charlie Brown’s open enrollment period, so most likely we will drop the coverage and opt for a less-expensive (hopefully better coverage) individual health plan for our family. Hopefully, I mean what do I know about planning these things? God seems to have different ideas for us all the time.
And, the greatest God thing of it all….I sent an e-mail out to our church family the day that the Boss and I talked to pray for this situation. Hours later, Charlie Brown called and said he’d finally been given a raise, a raise that has been VERY elusive over the past 18 mos, in the amount of 8.5%. Talk about timing. He provides – this I know, and yet it continues to be such a struggle for me to trust in this basic concept.
© 2008 Ramblings of a Red-Headed Step-Child. All Rights Reserved
God will come through-He always does. The waiting is sometimes the hardest part.
ReplyDeleteI'll add the insurance/etc. issue to my prayer list for you!
An 8.5% raise!? Wow...that is awesome. It's hard, I know too well how hard the decision is. I had a year off making 55% of my income (health care is not an issue in Canada though) and then returned FT for six months and it killed me to do. After 2.5 years of being a SAHM, I decided to go back FT in the workforce. Sometimes these decisions are so hard and take awhile to figure out. Best of luck.
ReplyDeleteWow! I loved being a SAHM, nothing in the world is worth more than that time with your baby.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck with whatever route you choose!
Thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteSuper congrats on new baby. My envy is spolling out all over, seriously tho I'm quite excited for you!!!!
ReplyDeleteI adored being a SAHM 98% of the time. Now that mt kids are 17 and 20 I have no idea where my cuddle bunnies went. ;)