I think Sunday was a start to regaining my muchness, but when I got my new glasses Tuesday, it was like Frosty getting that magical hat.
I came alive.
I was animated and witty. Competent and productive. Creative juices are like, flowing, man.
(This is not a put-on dialect, I'm writing it as I would speak it, you know, conversationally? I have an inner valley girl that comes out when I'm happy and excited.)
Seth said I looked like a hot librarian, and you know? I think Heather got her groove back with that boost of confidence, even if incrementally.
So I did, all the things, as a mom does, #LikeABoss, including being "so incredibly open, like it's painful, like open notes on an EASY test, open" (description brought to you by Colton) that my superior street cred and gutter mind fostered a three-hour conversation with my teens about anything and everything, replete with fits of belly laughter resulting in tears.
Best core workout I've had in awhile - but, well, that's not saying much given my propensity for physical activity of late.
I felt like I was in college again, (wait.......lol) and all of a sudden it was 12:37 AM.
Yesterday was one of those days at work where I barely felt like it was work, and I managed to talk my not officially but we're pretty sure she's high functioning ASD kiddo through her "My brother used my keys to put his lax bag in there for practice and then left and now I don't know where my keys are so-now-I'm-gonna-be-late-I'm-dying-because-panic-and-rage-because-this-was-NOT-MY-FAULT!" meltdown with relative panache. I am human....and Sweary Magdalene™, after all. Five phone calls, including pulling the elementary schooler out of class to inform me where he'd put the keys his older brother gave him were (I shit you not - the things mothers do to move their kids from Fight/Flight to Functioning), later, and the young lady was on her way to school.
Then today, my supervisor and I held a webinar that was really productive, and the momentum just. kept. going. after we ended the webinar. We literally just started putting pen to whiteboard for over an hour.
"What about....?"
"Oh, and then this...."
When I returned to my desk, my inbox held an amazing, just-what-I-needed missive from a professor I had reached out to about my struggles to balance work-life-school and OMGwhatamigoingtodo?
It was a true Godsend. Thank you, Jesus.
Then, it was time to go get my vehicle tags renewed because it was the last day of my grace period....but first, I needed an emissions test. Managed to do that in record time because Larimer County now has this FABULOUS kiosk system that we can utilize in MINUTES versus sitting in the lobby for hours.
I had time to spare before getting Chris and friend to basketball, so I went in to have my wedding ring's damages assessed for a repair quote. FINALLY. It's been months.
Then, I remembered Jenn!
Jenn is my friend from church with whom I have had a standing Thursday date for almost a year. We used to walk at the park by my house (before daylight savings time ended) while her son is at chess practice. We have been meeting at Starbucks and gabbing since The Long Night started.
I called her - "Hey, I totally spaced it's Thursday - are you in town?"
"Yes, tell me we are getting together - do you want to walk because it is actually really nice out."
"Ugh, I'm in a pencil skirt and boots today, probably not."
"Oh, ok - I have some stuff to pick up at King Soopers, then, want to walk around there?"
It was a date.
But we didn't walk.
No, when we saw the patio furniture displays, we decided to just sit right there and get our visit in. We were laughing and having very candid conversation when a lovely redhead over by the eggs caught my eye.
It was Kelsey's elementary enrichment (i.e. Talented and Gifted) teacher!
"I thought that was you," she said, and laughed.
I told her, "Well the Starbucks is over by the sushi and it smells too strong of pickled ginger, and we happened to walk by this display, and well, why not, right?"
She laughed and we chatted across the aisle briefly.
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Hot moms not included in this low price! |
I mean....I already took a video clip of the dude (Steve) who looks JUSTLIKE my very distinctive (dude is 6'7") brother who just happens to also be a grocery store employee and lives here in town, too. Oh, yes, I did.
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Steve |
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My bro |
I had to show my mom the guy I've been calling my "brother from another mother," for over a year now. I HAD to make her understand why he makes me do a double take every time I see him, so I took the opportunity when it presented itself. I mean, the first time we saw him stocking produce (same department my brother works in at a different grocery chain), Seth asked if it was my brother and I marched over to him convinced he'd changed jobs without telling me.
Anyway, I guess all this is to say that I'm rolling a bit more like myself, when depression isn't kicking my ass.
I come from a long line of grocery store antics, so that's genetic, too, I guess.
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