Miss Munkey - to answer your question, we ALL need birthdays! We all need to feel appreciated, loved, and revered at some point in life - particularly from the ones we love the most! And, what better days to feel that way than birthdays, anniversaries, and the appropriate parental day assigned to us?
Sadly...I don't think this non-action is a limited phenomenon. Actually, I KNOW it's not, b/c, to quote myself:
Remembering the Shiny Side:

Why I Love You
A wise person I know once said,
“The character traits of our loved ones are like coins~ the side we see now may be the dirty and dull side of the coin after years of weathering, but if we turn it back over, the shiny side is still there...Those things we love in our mates are still there, have always been there, we just forget to look at the shiny side.”
So, dear husband, I commit to remembering the shiny side of you.
This book is for you to see into my heart and know just why it is I love you. It’s also for me…
I will have this book to remind me of the gleaming goodness in you when the daily grind tries to tarnish over it.
I will remember just how good we’ve got it together.
For the times when I am aggravated by what appears to be immaturity….
I will remember that you have an eternal youthfulness about you, by which you are filled with hope, idealism, and faith that good and God will prevail.
I admire that about you.
For the times I when I wish you would just be serious…
I will remember the ease that your sense of humor provides when we’re in hard times.
I will remember that you desire, more than anything, for people to be happy, and you strive to achieve that with your fun-loving wit.
For the times when I’m impatient because you are quiet…
I will remember your caring heart, knowing that you are thoughtfully considering whatever it is on your mind, and will trust you to share it with me in your time.
I love your tender heart and promise to remember it more.
For the times you are tired and not helping around the house…
I will remember how hard you work for us every day, and count it a blessing to have a man so committed to providing for his family.
For the times when I come home that the house is a wreck and the kids are crazy …
I will remember that you are a wonderful father, who actively plays with his children, and that takes more time and means more to them than a clean house.
I love that our children know their father adores them.
For the times I complain I don’t have enough of your time for myself…
I will remember your love for other people, how that attracted me to you in the first place, and that I’m the same way.
But most of all…
I will remember that you are and have always been my best friend, and that has never changed.
I will remember that you are my partner in life and love, sharing my joys and sadnesses, my victories and defeats, my gains and losses, my hopes and struggles, my “all of me.”
I will remember that I promised to do
the very same for you.
Happy 30th Birthday, Love!
Yours always,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Birfday Luv!
What a sweet idea for a book!
Wow, so now my question os, how'd he respond to it?
My man would have been like, "Oh, a book?!". I always try to dig into that head of his and be thoughtful and creative about gift ideas, but even when I think I've outdone myself, he isn't feeling it.
Last Christmas he talked about how his parents never got him toys, even as a child. They always got him socks and underwear...maybe shoes if he were extra good. I ran with the idea of getting him toys for Christmas, not kiddie stuff, but like a dart board he'd been wanting and an archery game. His reaction?
"I thought you were getting me a gift card for the Tackle Box, this is good too though..."
Sometimes men just should NOT speak, lol.
ReplyDeleteMy dh was almost crying as he read the book, but it wasn't the just the book. I'd planned a surprise party that his parents and brother/SIL came up for, as well as several friends, without his knowledge. He was like, "I can't believe this! You had me so fooled - I honestly was thinking, 'But it's a milestone b'day, she's gotta do something,' and you just acted like it was a normal date nite." Heeheee I can keep a secret better than him - though it WAS tough!
My dh responds well to sentimental gifts, b/c he has a tender heart that is able to override his practical side. It's just that he doesn't think to do that for me - which you'd think that if a person lavishes some type of gift on someone else, it might cue that person, "OH, she likes this kinda stuff!"
hoo boy...Charlie Brown told me last night, while I had him grating cheese for my enchiladas, that "Someone might get a kitchen appliance for her b'day."
ReplyDeleteThat's fine and it wouldn't be unappreciated, but I sure hope there is more behind it!