Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm kinda long-winded, eh?

Not today...just wanted to share two recent pics of

LMNOB - on the grounds at church this weekend

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and Punkinhead - climbing a tree at the zoo

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  1. Oh! They are spectacular! WOW!!
    I just want to snuggle them!

  2. Hey! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog. It's always encouraging to hear from church family members (of course I know who you are, by the way!) Your kids are amazingly adorable...and possibly growing up a little too fast...

  3. Lisa,

    Good! :) I love that pic of you by the way!

    I think so too, 'bout the kiddos. Life in general...this August it will be 9 years that I've been at ML...let alone here in the fort. I cannot get over the fact that this year, hubby and I were teaching sunday classes for the kids who were babies when we came here...and that the class was 4th-6th grades! It's surreal for sure, this aging thing.

    hugs, and get better soon, 'k? Heavenly Daddy- will you
    puh-leeeeeaaaase make Lisa better soon???????????

  4. Yep. You're kids are freakishly cute.

    By the way, I hate disappointing people too - but it's inevitable once in a while!

    Keep your chin up.
