Tuesday, April 25, 2006

What's that Door Hanging Open For?

In all my moanings and groanings to the Father, you think He may have known all along that it would work out? I seriously wonder sometimes if He doesn't just sit there and laugh at our stupidity and the things we get all worked up over....

Sunday at church, a friend who's nearing retirement and, let's see, uhm, a bit of a redneck hunter, had a comment perfect for this scenario. He said, "It's kind of like when we have a dog tied to a tree. The dumb things inevitably wrap themselves up til there's no where to go and then they panic. I've never for the life of me figured out why they don't just go back around the tree and untangle themselves - it's not a hard deduction to make, but they just get so focused on the fact that they are stuck. So, I go and untangle the fool animal, and I think that must be how God feels when we get ourselves in a bind."

My bind? For six months now, I've been looking for work, FT in particular, to defray costs that are continuing to rise. It all started in October, when the City I work for announced huge insurance premium increases, particularly for PT employees - and I happened to be PT with full family coverage, as it was cheaper for us than the plan offered to charlie Brown. We couldn't lose insurance, but we couldn't pay over $800/month for health coverage. I saw it as a sign that I needed other work. But, when it became clear I wasn't securing anything for the beginning of the year, we sought private healthcare. It's an PPO, has a fairly high deductible, but for our routine care, it's affordable. After continuous job rejections, my depression set in...and then our finances go to pot. I've gotten myself to the end of that rope...straining and straining, yelping for God to come bail me out.

Enter a door, swinging wide open...opportunity needn't have even knocked.

The Boss informed me yesterday that I may have the opportunity to latch onto another PT job. The Colorado Interagency Council on Homelessness (CICH) is conducting a point-in-time count of homeless persons across the state in August. Each county has been instructed to designate their own coordinator, as there will be volunteer recruitments, trainings to service providers in the county, etc. that the coordinators will have to oversee prior to the count. This kind of intensive count would leverage resources statewide for the most needy, as the feds are really cracking down on the regions who are more laissez-faire about their homeless populations.

Most people know that budget scenarios for our local governments are pretty sad right now, and people are doing more with less. This is very true for our region. To add a time-intensive project like this on top of what other government employees are already doing is near impossible. The Boss proposed that the Cities of Fort Collins and Loveland, the County, and our United Way all partner to hire a ½ time employee to do this, and she’s offered me up – knowing my job search situation and experience within the homeless service providers community. This is a very economical proposal for the involved entities, especially since there will be no added office space costs with me using what I currently have available to me. It is a temporary position, and would span May to August, should all the government authorities adopt the proposal – we’re still waiting to hear back from Fort Collins and United Way.

This will be a huge help to the finance mess I've gotten us into with respect to the whole finances thing, as well as be a VERY nice addition to my resume.

Makes me wonder...has Big Daddy Upstairs been rolling his eyes and laughing at my straining this whole time?

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