Tuesday, May 23, 2006

So...the other day, we're praying...

We, being myself, LMNOB, and Punkinhead, in the car on the way to daycare. LMNOB likes for me to go over items of concern, then pray in a manner where she repeats what I say. So, we prayed for: babies, both born and to be born (a boom at church ;) ), Daddy to have a good day, Mommy to be productive, LMNOB and Punkinhead to obey Miss B, and later Mommy and Daddy...etc.

"Dear Father, God in Heaven"

dear fodder, god in heavvvven

"Thank you so much for today and the blessings within it,"

tank you for today, and what a lovely day it is - is that pretty sky for me? Tanks anyway, even if it's not!

"Please be with Baby Hank, and make him strong to go home,"

and PLEASE make his mama not so sore anymore too!

"Thank you for the miracle of Baby Hank, Lord and be with Miss A and the baby boy she's expecting,"

Mama, what's his name gonna be?

"We're praying, sweet..." prompting to repeat above.

tanks for Baby Hank, God, he's just not so big, so help him get bigger. Oh, and make Miss A's baby come out, else he's gonna be tooo big. Mama, that's an opposite! Baby Hank and Miss A's babies will be opposites, big and li'l!

*giggle* look upward, remind my heavenly father of his words re: children, and wonder, do WE get in their way of seeking Him, or do they just meander in their thoughts too much? Smile deeply. Almost there...

Rushing, "Be with Daddy and give him peace during a hard day, Lord. And be with Mama so that she can do good things for people who need it. And be with me and brother so we will be good today...."

Be with Daddy and give him peace during a hard day, Lord. And be with Mama so's 'at she can do good tings for people who need it. And be with me and brudder so we will be good today

"In Jesus' name"

in Jesus' name,

"Amen" (pronounced Ay-men)

hoity-toity corrective tone: AAAHHH-men! Mama, that’s the way some people say it.

LOL....the Legacy of Little Miss Can't be Wrong lives on. This fall will be interesting when she starts school!


  1. TOO precious! I love the way you've captured her voice...I can practically hear her.

    Thanks for sharing that!

  2. Ohh soo cute! That was beautiful!
