Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm not crazy...not pregnant either!

Houston, we have validation!

I posted on a msg board of women that I've known for nearly 7 years, about this phantom baby kicking, and SEVERAL of them have had it too.

I just wish they'd have said something before my inner drama queen got all unleashed!


  1. I'd go to a doctor and get it checked. It may be a muscle spasm, but why not be sure?

  2. wanna hear something freakish and strange? I read about a year ago that when you have intestinal parasites you feel sensations like that too. YUCK! Of course this info came from some company trying to get you to shell out some pretty big bucks for pills to get rid of said who knows if that's really what it is. All I know is that I feel those phantom kicks too.
