The CBS station out of Cheyenne called The Boss Monday morning wanting to do a camera story on homelessness - due to press on my part of the homeless count project and another study recently done on affordable housing in our area - and she says, "Actually, there is a woman in my office who is much more knowledgeable about those things than I am - let me put you through to her."
Have I mentioned how much I love The Boss? Sure, she's quirky, but so am I. But really, I mean, here she is equally as smart, or moreso, as I am, and she's giving me opportunity like this.
So that night it was study, study the report (all 150 pgs - gah!) and comprise something intelligent to say for Tuesday.
This is exactly the opportunity for education, awareness and advocacy we had hoped for once we had the numbers.
I just was caught unawares - with respect to having TV coverage, but then it turns out, I don't even get that channel; I get the Denver afilliates for NBC, ABC, and CBS, all of whom are extremely metrocentric with their coverage, as if the entire rest of the state doesn't exist.
There have already been a few newspaper articles I was involved in with the release last week., but TV coverage!?!?
As it turns out, the town of Wellington, which is serviced by U.S. Cable, gets this channel. Anyone else in the county, who is on another cable provider who likes to say they are something that rhymes with Bombastic, (Hint: with C's) and won't carry this channel, is out of luck. But hey, baby steps in getting local media attention, right?
They also don't put their broadcasts on the web, either. That's a bummer b/c now I don't even get to see the fruits of my labor.
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