Saturday, March 17, 2007

This is getting progressively harder

I feel like I just crap-jobbed a paper.

I know, I know, you're thinking I'm a crazy woman because of my track history thus far - but this one, yuck.

It didn't help much either that as I was writing, the V-8 I had for lunch today became toxic fumes. Yeah, I probably could have done without sharing that, but you know, I'm trying to get the sympathy points, folks! Shooey stankey, it was....both the paper, and uh, me.

Oh well, it's out of my hands, and turned in.

Spring break now. Sorta. The kids just got done with spring break, and my spring break just means I can go to work like normal, mommy like normal, and read for school with out urgency of deadlines looming.

What happened to the days of partying a week away? Oh wait, you're right, I never did that!


1 comment:

  1. I think you are being too hard on yourself... I bet the paper is fine! Sleep well!
