Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer School Kicks Hammy's B-U-T-T

I'm floundering here.

Barely keeping my head above water with school - at least it feels that way.

My efforts have been PALTRY (read: lame-o) and are not indicative of my personal confidence in knowing the materials.

What this means, folks....

Is that I'm below the 90% cut. Albeit, only by a measely .42% - so with a few more assignments, there is hope for the elusive A.

And if not, I'll just have to live with smug satisfaction that many struggler/slacker students would kill to have my not-really-trying grades.

A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD. A B is not for BAD.....

1 comment:

  1. You are better off with a B and sanity than an A and a mental asylum. Good call.
