Three of the four ads on the banner were pornographic, when I specifically stated I would not host those kinds of ads. Also, is "lesbianity" a real word? Seriously, ya'll it was bad.
I'm going to be playing around with the colors and all that jazz, cuz I want something a little more 3-dimensional and real looking - and will continue to declutter in my blog roll, bling, etc.
In other bloggy areas....
I had someone specifically query for my site from UC-Davis today....
I kept thinking, who do I know there that would be looking for me? I don't know, but it's kind of unsettling. I mean I know who most of my regulars are on statcounter, and most random googlers are looking for a topic, but not ME.
(Side note: I had someone with the ISP ID'd as The Denver Broncos reading fairly consistently a month or so ago - that was kinda cool, but alas, I haven't seen them around lately)
Then again tonight, some one in Longmont (or at least in CO - Comcast ISP's are screwy) Googled just for my site:

I *think* I know who this one is. I have two guesses: 1.) a former colleague whose e-mail announcing she would be graduating from law school I replied to today, or 2.) a certain local someone who crossed my mind today...and whom I miss frequently. It's kind of wishful thinking for the latter, just to prove that connection we have, but no matter....
Again it's just weird when it is not a "regular" but not someone who just stumbled onto me either....
So give a shout out, if you're here again, will ya?
How do find this info...sitemeter tells me little.
ReplyDeleteOh and I went to UCDavis! That is where Hubby and I met (awwww). But it wasn't me. I'm not there anymore. Holy crud it's been 13 years since I graduated. Good thing I majored in Blogology.
I'm tired sorry. ;)
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