O, how you frustrate the tar out of me, let me count the ways...
1. You pay lip service to the critical value of communication in your class newsletter and at parent's night, yet clearly, you do not send nor receive communication well at all.
Case[s] in point: 1.) at parent night, you whipped through everything all surface-like and vague, then when someone had to ask you about class discipline (since your demo didn't touch on it) you chalked it up to a red-yellow-green system, totally avoiding the "Think Box," lack of communication about which is what prompted that particular parent's question in the first place. Hee. Oh, and 2.) Monday I sent you [and Punkinhead's teacher] an e-mail specifically stating, "I also wanted you both to know that I am unable to begin volunteering in the above capacity (Thursdays) until Thursday 9/25 due to work obligations, but that I am eagerly looking forward to it." Yet this morning, you were shocked that I was not volunteering at 9:00 am. WTH? I mean, do you know how to read?
2. You act like implementing a 504 plan's accommodations are dependent upon you "remembering to do them," when really, you are bound to do so. In reality, you should have been compliant with the plan from the date of school starting, even without your signature, and continued to do so once the annual review attained your John Hancock - just sayin'. Oh, and another thing? How's about you write the accommodations in with your lesson plan? That way you remember them!
3. You appear to spend more thought in accessorizing your outfits than you do in educating my child. I have nothing against well-dressed attractive women, really, I don't, but I take issue in glossing over the educational needs of kiddos.
4. You seem to think that providing sensory input activities throughout your day is not your job. Newsflash! It is.
5. Resistance has no place in education, where open minds and learning new things should be of great value.
Yes, it was 504 Plan review today and I had to correct the teacher, when she began to say that LMNOB would fill out the sensory activities checklist at the end of the day.
"No, that won't work. We've talked about this before, remember?"
I got a deer in the headlights look.
"Two weeks ago, I met with you and we talked about how it is unrealistic to ask any 7 y/o child to recall exact activities throughout the day, let alone one who may struggle with the confrontational nature of that sort of recall. She needs to do it as the activities are done or at a minimum before each recess, lunch, and end of day."
Thank goodness BT the OT and School OT were there and in my corner, too. Elsewise it would have been a long meeting of me single-handedly combatting this woman's denseness.
Later, as the teacher left to get her students, School OT put her face in her hands, looked up and said, "Thank you for being LMNOB's advocate. She just doesn't get it and I am trying, have tried, to educate - and I think having you and BT the OT reiterate what I've said will help."
I sure as heck hope so.

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