Monday, July 31, 2006
Who is my Euro Friend here?
(hint - you can e-mail me if you dig a bit in the links on my sidebar)
To Say or Not to Say?
It's been a week of prayer, and study. And definitely an exercise in delayed gratification.
As indicated by my lengthy e-mail and then my even more prolific commentaries here, I've a bit to say on the matter at hand.
Well, truth be told, I've a bit to say on all matters at hand, but that's not the point, right?
One of the things that came to the forefront of my mind was a conversation I had with, none other than, Mr. Intelligent, Politically Savvy man from other recent posts about a year ago. In this conversation, we were talking about the whole PC movement, and he said (rough paraphrase - it was after all, more than 12 mos ago), "I get so sick and tired of [Christian] people clinging to love as an excuse for not having any standards - I mean, if something is wrong, it's wrong! The same Jesus who loved everyone also called a group of men a brood of vipers. That's not mincing words, or worrying about who's going to be offended or not."
At the time, I was a little less confident, a little more new to the world of Affordable Housing/CDBG, and still pretty elementary in my Bible
Funny though, that Matthew 12 ought to come up in my mind in reference to Mr. Church Vs. Tax programs man. Let's read:
Matthew 12
Lord of the Sabbath
1At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them. 2When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, "Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath."
3He answered, "Haven't you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? 4He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests. 5Or haven't you read in the Law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple desecrate the day and yet are innocent? 6I tell you that one[a] greater than the temple is here. 7If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,'[b] you would not have condemned the innocent. 8For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."
9Going on from that place, he went into their synagogue, 10and a man with a shriveled hand was there. Looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, they asked him, "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"
11He said to them, "If any of you has a sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? 12How much more valuable is a man than a sheep! Therefore it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."
13Then he said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." So he stretched it out and it was completely restored, just as sound as the other. 14But the Pharisees went out and plotted how they might kill Jesus.
God's Chosen Servant
15Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. Many followed him, and he healed all their sick, 16warning them not to tell who he was. 17This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah:18"Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
19He will not quarrel or cry out;
no one will hear his voice in the streets.
20A bruised reed he will not break,
and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out,
till he leads justice to victory.
21In his name the nations will put their
Jesus and Beelzebub
22Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 23All the people were astonished and said, "Could this be the Son of David?"
24But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, "It is only by Beelzebub,[d] the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons."25Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27And if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
29"Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house.
30"He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters. 31And so I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.
33"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit. 34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. 35The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him. 36But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken. 37For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."
First, now that I have considered it - Mr. Intelligent - your point is only 1/2 valid, the way I see it. In this context, Jesus would have had the Pharisees be more lax with the Law and pile on the Love in accordance to God's will. No, He didn't mince words, but that's because they should have known better as people professing to be God's own. Jesus never spoke this harshly to the "apparent" sinners (in quotes b/c we should ALL be apparent sinners, but I'm trying to make a point here ;-)) - i.e. see His response to the Samaritan woman at the well, and the lack of hellfire and brimstone - only a confirmation of things to come. So, my deduction is that we as Christians should follow Christ's example and speak harshly only when needed - when those who should know better, act more hateful instead.
After coming to such a conclusion I figured that this recovered memory was all the relevance this passage had to my here and now dilemma. But, as is all too often the case - I was wrong. There was more to glean.
A few people told me to just let this guy with the commentary go peacefully, to let the water roll off my back because I couldn't change him. And, I almost bought that.
But then, as I considered this passage longer, it became clear to me: Jesus knew, with a certainty that only God can, that the Pharisees would NOT change their minds with respect to His teachings, yet still He tried, repeatedly and in earnest, to try and make them see God's not about a moral checklist of rights and wrongs - He's about LOVE! If that's the model my Lord has put before me, then it's crystal clear that I must carry on with this man in love.
As discouraging as his initial reaction was for me - this man's comment has brought me closer to the Lord. Kind of my own personal meaning to Paul's bits on rejoicing during struggles. It's amazing to me how dead right Scripture proves to everything.
Thanks for the prayers, folks - it has helped :)
Add a new trait to my longwinded list above:
(btw, I mean no offense to anyone who has a developmental delay - I hate the word retarded within that context - I mean it in the sense of ridiculously obtuse!)
Here I've been writing and writing, linking to new blogs, etc....wondering, where the heck is the LOVE, people??!!?! since I have NO comments.....
Somebody I know, not on blogger, commented how she can't leave a comment, and after a half a second of tech detective - I have comment moderation in effect and 22 comments have been left totally unbeknownst to me - dating back since mid June! Don't even get me going on how that's possible (dit en francais so that you get just how nerdy my tone is)! So now that my inbox has been bombarded with all of your supports - please excuse me if it takes awhile....did anyone here see that South Park episode re: Mormons? (This is by no means reflective of my feelings of that religion) But that "dum-dum-dum" song just cruised through my head....that and the other standby, Homer's, "I am so smart S-M-R-T."
Totally retarded.....yup that's me.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
The Fortune Cookie Said it All....
Wednesday night, they caused an excited eruption of cheering, applause and a chorus of, "We've MISSED YOU's," by showing up on the sly to our church's Wednesday Family Night. After the family activity, we talked at length about the past year's happenings, both here and there, with intonations wildly fluctuating, percussive laughter, and manic speeds, trying to get it all caught up at once....until,
"Mommy," big yawn, "I not tired." Punkinhead's valiant effort at discreetly telling us, "You talk too much," was much more transparent to us than it was to him.
At which, I sought a way to continue this mad dash to catching up:
"I know you've got million things to do - but we'd love to hear more - lunch on Sunday?"
Fast forward to today. What a lovely day - more on the specifics of this memorable Lord's day later.
Wednesday night seemed to repeat itself after church this morning - which was to be expected, eh? Still, my tummy grumbled furiously as the extended reunion played on. :) Eventually, we closed the doors of the church, and headed to the restaurant.
On the way, I approached Charlie Brown with a stirring I've felt ever growing this past year:
Honey, you know that our marriage has grown considerably in the past two years, but even more so this year. You know how awesome that is to me, right? Know how Elder X said today that they were meeting with various ministers/deacons and wanted to get concrete ideas of where our church was going? They mentioned missions, and the teens, and the youth - but hon, they forgot a group that's been hit hard this year: the marrieds (note, I removed the "young" because it's so generic and limiting!).
Yeah, I caught that too.
Well, I think it's because the people who were interested in that have burnt out, or have been dealing with their own issues - and in the meantime, Satan's been at work. Honey, I think we should propose to the elders that we can and will step up to the plate by leading the marrieds ministry. We've got to not only feed the new people what they need, but help grow people past what they're getting now - and above all protect the work of Jesus in our body!
Amen - well sorta, he didn't say those words but he did quietly agree.
In my tend-to-discount-positivity-if-it's-anything-less-than-glowing-acceptance fashion, I let it sit for awhile.
Later at lunch, which was the ever yummy Hunan, we opened our fortune cookies, and read them aloud. Trainer girlfriend had a funny one, b/c she always says this to her sons: "After every downhill there is an uphill." Charlie Brown had a really dumb "fortune," as it was more a command - "Relax and have fun." Who writes these anyway??? They are often comical, if not plain common sensical - where's the fortune in that?
When we got to mine, "Present your best ideas today to an eager and welcoming audience," I was met with an expectant, "well?" Before I could respond, Charlie Brown did.
"She's already done that today - tell them what you told me in the car."
Really?!? Really, you want to do this enough to tell people who will hold us accountable to it??!?
It felt akin to the way I felt when he asked me when we were going to make LMNOB a sibling. A commitment like this gives way to a new life - and I'm almost teary-eyed sitting here reliving that moment, and pondering the possibility of creating a life-saving ministry with my two greatest loves: the Lord and my husband.
Upon asking him that with my eyes, and seeing the subsequent nod - I repeated to our couple friends what I'd told him in the car.
Next? A proposal to the elders I suppose. Keep us in your prayers - and bind Satan from robbing any joy - yours, mine, theirs in the church. He's taken more than his fair share already.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Oh Punkinhead - how I love you!
The other day, he was going potty and I left the room for a sec. Come back and there's a puddle on the floor - the boy has got the knack for peeing at a convoluted angle, in which the stream of urine slips just thru the crevice where the seat and toilet bowl meet. (No, he does not pee standing up or on a stool - he sits, and he will sit until he's tall enough to clear the top of the lid on his own!)
I grabbed a wipe and said, "Hey buddy, how come you didn't point it down like you usually do? It's ok, but babe, you know how to do it - ok?"
Matter of factly he answered, "Oh Mama, swowwy 'bout dat - da dahned pee-niss made me do it!"
Oh, son - that's likely not the last time you'll feel that sentiment - least that's what your Daddy tells me!
Boys are definitely different creatures - and I wonder if that's what makes the mother-son connection so sweet: the ability to see the thought process evolve from infantile to the cave man behaviors resembling their fathers? After all, with their daddies, we mothers only (usually) see the end cave man result, and watching our boys grow gives us otherwise hidden and often invaluable insights.
Later that same night, Punkinhead attempted to "shoot" me with sound effects and strategic manipulations of his pee-niss.
I was informed, "It's a gun Mom - it shoot!"
At which point, I chuckled and whipped the Pull-Up on him, thinking, Boy, if you only knew.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I'd call it, "Angry Women of Faith,"
It'd include:
Natalie Grant: Live For Today
SuperChik : Me Against the World
Choral renderings of
"Does He Still Feel the Nails?"
"Every Time I Kneel to Pray" - for that gut wrenching line - "Every time I see a child, I know the gentleness of my Lord," - when heard in a mindset where I'm thinking of poverty - it eats me alive.
"Make me a Servant"
"Pierce my Ear"
Aretha Franklin: Respect
Sheryl Crow: If it Makes You Happy
Plumb: Better
Jennifer Knapp: Hold me Now
Martina McBride: Love's the Only House, and/or Concrete Angel
and more...
Folks, does this sound like it would be doable? Amen?
*******Edited to add that impulsive me just sent this on to Ms. Grant's management team. Hey, it worked before when I e-mailed Fred Stoeker and got put in Every Heart Restored....
In the words of Natalie Grant...
I'm gonna lii-ve for to-day-ay
I'm gonna follow in Your Way
Like there's no tomorrow....
This catchy, edgy little anthem of a song was my mantra yesterday. I had to consciously remind myself that no one can take away my desire to be a strong light for my Savior.
What happened that rocked you so hard?
Good question. Sunday, I got up before the congregation with our minister and we did a little interview-type presentation for the Statewide Homeless Count, particularly my coordination of the Larimer County efforts. Yeah, I know, I let my location slip - I figure all the anonymity I've tried to secure in this little blog is kind of a vain effort now that I've been published in a couple different newspapers. Nevertheless folks, I have to say that was a nervewracking experience.
It kind of reminded me of when I was a little girl, tucked inside my room, belting out my favorite songs on the radio/cassette player. I was always fine and confident of my vocal qualities in private, or say, with 50 other choral students surrounding me. But, the minute my mother/father/any other esteemed relative intruded upon my melodic solitude, I was no longer confident enough to sing with gusto, at maximum lung capacity, and shrunk like a shy, quiet violet from my love of performing. Re: my abilities and passions, fear of judgment from the ones who really matter has always had a stronghold over me.
Likewise, I can do public speaking, and do it often for work, and do it well - at least that's what I'm told. But there I was, standing before a mixed audience, with mixed views on social justice, all family members that I love and respect, and the terror entered in. My stomach knotted up, I felt short of breath, and I know I talked too rapidly - or at least it felt that way. I looked into my minister's kind and assuring brown eyes as we continued our dialogue, but I wanted down! Now, next month I have to speak 8 times to a bazillion different people - but I'm not yoked with them, and I'm eager, confident, and very excited about such a great opportunity.
In the end, I did ok, but failed to address THE key point: what is the purpose of a statewide count? Charlie Brown jokingly accused me of being a politician, and totally skirting the question.
In true-to-me digital afficianado fashion, I sent an e-mail out to our members-list:
Hi family,
My husband oh so lovingly informed me that I failed to answer a key question yesterday, and upon thinking about it, I DID! (Thank goodness for family being the first public address!)
When D asked me what the purpose of the count was, I gave you history and background, but not the goals we are hoping to accomplish.
Our number one goal is to get an ACCURATE baseline re: the scope of homelessness throughout the state as a whole, as well as capturing regional trends as of a specific point in time. This information will help with:
1. Planning purposes for state and local agencies
2. Assessment of needs – homelessness is but a symptom of many different and complex problems in our society
3. Procuring funding for programs serving homeless persons – remember that almost 1/3 of homeless families seeking help are turned away because of lack of resources? – Well, we hope that with this count and measurable data, we can help this to be a fading trend!
4. Grant Reporting
5. Developing and implementing new programs & measuring outcomes,With all of the above, we hope to create lasting solutions and greatly reduce homelessness in our communities!
I’ve gotten one commitment and another maybe – so please, prayerfully consider becoming a part of this effort. Talking with these folks will change you – funny, when I first began working with homeless 4 years ago, it was not my job of choice, but really the first job that would have me out of college.
Now, it’s a God given passion…He might just change you with this experience too. Love, Me
I got this reply from a member I don't know very well:
So is this a Church program?
I replied, to him and the rest of the congregation - after all, there might be some confusion on that right?
No sir, it's not.
This count is being initiated by our state government, [in which] local governments and non-profit agencies are the major players in helping the project be realized. What many in the community don't know though, is that these major players are already so understaffed that we need a widespread community effort of volunteers to help achieve the results I talked of in my earlier e-mail.
While this is not a "church" program, I daresay it is definitely in keeping with our mission:
James 2:15Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?
Matthew 25: 34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' 37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of
these brothers of mine, you did for me.'This count may not actually meet the [immediate] needs of the homeless, but the results will help us to do just that.
Hope that helps, and if you have anymore questions, please do let me know - I love to talk about it!
I had a sneaking suspicion I was about to receive my first negative public reaction to the count. Moments later, my suspicions were confirmed:
Just wondering. I would support it if it were a church program. I can not support unlawful use of tax dollars. Thanks for the info.
As I read that, my first initial reaction was a return to my white trash roots - bewilderment expressed by, what the (@*#&$&^%?
That was only momentary though, and then I cried. Not because he hurt ME, but because I had a very painful come to Jesus moment, where I understood with startling clarity just how much we hurt Him with our flawed human views, intentional or not. Then I felt bad and asked Him to forgive me when I get it wrong - which is all too often. I vehemently do NOT want to shortchange my Lord - though I know because I'm human, it's sort of totally inevitable.
I tend to be somewhat impulsive with my words and not think them out. So I wrote an e-mail in response, but sent it to my minister instead of this member - asking him to pray over it and give me his honest opinion. It borders on novel length, but it's integral to who I have been, and who I am now in the Lord.
I'm doing my best to respond to this in love...
I'm saddened by your comment. I didn't share the following, because of time limitations, but I think it is a relevant testimony that may make you see things a bit
differently. I once was a homeless child. My mother divorced my stepfather because he was a drug abuser and he bankrupted our family by the time I was 13. We had nowhere to go, and mom - while she didn't make many great choices in life, was working 2 FT jobs to support the 4 of us kids. We lived with my aunt and uncle in a tiny duplex that was about 800 square feet - 3 adults and 5 kids, and still couldn't make it work. My aunt and uncle had substance abuse and domestic violence issues, so my mom found the only way out she could see - by developing an instant family with some guy she'd met. For the next 13 years, our lives were filled with horrific emotional and physical abuse... These are the types of stories of over 700 children in our county - how many more across the state experience this?
Ok, so I know that's the emotional response out of me. So now the logic...
First of all, while this is initiated by the state government, it's not funded by the state. (Yes, a lot of the more rural counties in the state have NOT been happy about
this) So just how that constitutes "unlawful" usage of tax dollars, I'm a little unclear on. My position for Larimer County has been funded in part by City of Loveland and City of Fort Collins - but these are monies that were dedicated/allocated to discretionary human services dollars - as I understand, public comment is welcome and part of the process when the municipal/county budgets are proposed, all of which are approved by the respective City Councils/County Commissioners - our lawfully elected representatives. Totally lawful and above board, as the way the books would have it. In addition, United Way of Larimer County has also partnered with the effort - financing my job with donated funds, to use as they see fit in accordance with their organization's goals, mission and bylaws.
As a reminder, this effort is NONPARTISAN - all parties of the local politics are in support of it.I hear your kind of reaction a lot, and ironically from Christians more than non-Christians - which again saddens me, because I find it in contradiction with what I find in Scripture, particularly in Romans 13: 1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
I know that is hard for us to swallow in today's times, with all that our leaders lack morally - but if we pick and choose which parts of Scripture are still relevant, doesn't that bring about a really flawed theology? Now, I could be wrong, but I've found nowhere in Scripture that it says we have the right to dictate how our authorities spend the taxes, which are due from us for the costs of American privileges, such as freedom of speech, nice roads, public health and safety (like the FDA), etc? I've never found it, which means this whole idea of public comment and a sense of "my rights" over how/where our tax dollars are spent is an entirely American concept, and not necessarily a Christian one.Whose laws do we want to uphold re: this homeless count - God's or ours?
I don't want to start a debate here - truly - I simply wish instead that if you have a disagreement with me, please evaluate whether it's scripturally based, and then see if it really needs to be communicated. I was really discouraged by this - and I know that God would rather we encourage one another.
Sorry for my longwindedness, dear brother, but you struck a nerve. :) I hope that my response has been heard in the loving tone with which it was meant - I really mean no ill will - just wanted to share perspective.
While you may not be willing to support my project with your time, would you please support it in prayer - that the love of God will be extended and needs will be met? I will take as many as I can get! I'm not at liberty to turn this into an evangelistic effort, but I've shared my faith before with the homeless people who've asked, "Why do you even care?" - and hope for the opportunity to arise.
Basking in the
Son-shine,The red-headed step-child
Now...I'm considering my minister's advice, which was to wait a week and see if I still felt it was important. I still do today. I still want to say, "Can you really condemn innocent children to poverty and despair in the name of your rights to the tax dollars?" I still want to add that the bit from Romans was written during the reign of the Roman empire - known for its corruption and non-Christian principles at that time, yet Paul still commands us to obey and submit and have faith that God knew what He was doing in letting our government officials be placed where they have been. And I also want to tell him to take his whole "unlawful" verbiage and shove it - I had to spend COUNTLESS hours last year on the City's Consolidated Plan making sure we followed the LAWFUL Citizen Participation and Public Comment Protocol by the letter - only to have NOT ONE public comment, and yet people STILL gripe and moan about their rights being ignored when THEY HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!
But...I also know that while his meaning seems clear - I don't know this man's heart, and I guess it's not really my job to figure that out. So maybe I just give him my understanding and cling tight to Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it [alone] judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
But will he hear? Have hearts across American churches been so hardened that even the Word of the God they claim to pledge allegiance to cannot sway their fiscal fixations, their staunch stereotyping?
I dunno....but for now,
I'm gonna lii-ve for to-day-ay
I'm gonna follow in Your Way
Like there's no tomorrow....
Will you help me?
Become a prayer warrior for more, no less.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
The nuances of language
se·man·tics ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s-mntks)n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
Linguistics. The study or science of meaning in language.
Linguistics. The study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent. Also called semasiology.
The meaning or the interpretation of a word, sentence, or other language form: We're basically agreed; let's not quibble over semantics.
- First, there was my Wednesday night discussion with a man who has similar interests in life, though with very different perspectives. We talked about lobbying, as it often is pursued these days - with no integrity, people only representing special interests because 1.) the group pays well, and 2.) the lobbyist is a professional communications type - a good spokesperson. Mr. Intelligent Politically Savvy Man pointed out that we have turned "lobbyist" into a bad word because of this mindset - but really, the American principles of lobbyism - pleading your case before a representative government - are what have shaped our education systems, public safety, etc. Not such a bad thing after all. I concurred, adding that the same thing was true for the words "liberal," and "conservative," noting that I tend to be socially "liberal" but fiscally "conservative," and everywhere in between on other various issues.
His response?
"Liberal IS a bad word!"
I just rolled my eyes at the time, conveying the message - have we gotten anywhere??
with respect to our dialogue.
As I've mulled it over in my mind this week - I've thought of all the synonyms for "lobbyist," and come up with this list:
Champion [for the cause]
Isn't that what Jesus is to me? He's all of those things and more, even in agony, He pleaded, "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." That's the most intense form of lobbying - and He did it for us, totally unworthy recipients of His saving grace.
For me, trying to become Christlike means to be a lobbyist for those less fortunate than me - regardless of whether their circumstances are of their own making. I can only hope to be as relentless as He was in His efforts.
- Then, there was Larry James' commentary on the Prez' recent slippage of a curse word, and the public response. His wasn't so much a lesson on semantics as it was a matter of perspective. I especially LOVED this tidbit:
The incident reminded me of a now infamous speech delivered by Tony Campolo several years ago at a big national youth ministry conference.
Campolo, the master of shock and prophetic comedy among Evangelicals, opened his address by screaming the same expletive that the networks had to bleep out of the President's audio.
Got the picture? Talk about sucking all the oxygen out of a room!
Tony then calmly stated, "Now, admit it. Most of you are more concerned that I used that word than you are that over 30,000 children died of disease and starvation last night."Whoa! Talk about capturing audience attention.
- Then, there was an interesting diatribe on the usage of swear words, and how they are really more relative than anything at Leigh Hope's online crib. (For my faint of heart readers - it's pretty peppered with profanity, but the named commentators have some valid points). And it made me think that some of what we deem cursewords now weren't even etymologically evolved yet! How's that for ironic?
So...all in all, kind of interesting for those who ponder linguistic trends or the significance and priority of clean vocabularies over basic humanitarian efforts. Also otherwise random rubbish....I've had a tough day; more later.
Friday, July 21, 2006
random wakefulness
- Yesterday, LMNOB uttered the following phrase: "Yeah, baby! That made me wet!" Hearing that out of a 5 y/o about made me wet, though because of the hilarity, and not because of any weird fetishes....For what it's worth, it was a sudden rainstorm out of nowhere that "made her wet"..... context proves to be everything
- I'm weaned off the Effexor now - taking St. John's Wort 3x daily now and it's seeming to have had no difference - save for my checkbook. A 6 week supply is $20; whereas a 30 day supply of Effexor was forty bucks a pop.
- I did really well with diet and exercise last week; this week, eh, not so much. Err...not at ALL. But, heck, miracle of all miracles, I'm down 5 lbs as of today. Go figure.
- I'm really getting stressed about this homeless count job. 1) because so much is riding on it for the social welfare of my community; 2) because so much is riding on it for my future career path.
- I talked with a really intelligent man, (herein referred to as Mr. Intelligent, Politically Savvy Man) at church Wednesday night about affordable housing and the homeless count; and while he sits on a pretty different political fence than I do, he actually listened (per my very direct, "Hey if you want to talk about this, great, but one caveat - you gotta listen, let me say my piece, and not begin your mental race to the counter arguments while I'm talking - otherwise, no deal."), and conceded that some of the things I brought up were good and valid points. This from a very conservative man who tends to think of anyone different as a "bleeding heart." Yeah well, I've lived the life,'s tough.
Now, I really must be going to beddie bye. Night night all....
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Irksome talk 'round here
I hate her back talking, but also take comfort in a couple of things (usually very far in the deep recesses of my mind while experiencing such bedeviling behavior of hers, but eventually these things come to the surface:)
- It's normal for kids to test the limits - If she wasn't trying this with me, it would probably mean she was terrified of me and I'd been the equivalent of Mommy Dearest. I should also note that it's normal for parents to correct this testing of boundaries by firmly reminding their children just what is/is not acceptable. And I do - though not always in the most appropriate way. I'm human too, folks. Shocking, eh?
- She's got a very fine reasoning capacity, with her swift and sharp wit often serving her well, much to my chagrin....I can only hope that she is a good steward of her cunning mind, developing a successful, creative, and famillialy removed outlet for it instead of becoming analogous with Shakespeare's Kate (particularly the Liz Taylor rendition of her- eeks!) to a future son-in-law. Sometimes, I think that Charlie Brown feels this way about me...that lil apple? Pretty close to the mother tree. Yup. gulp!
- She does this with me exclusively - well, sometimes Charlie Brown, but mostly with me. And as grit-my-teeth-frustrating as that is in the heat of the moment, it means that she's comfortable enough with me to try, and yet has been taught the value of respect enough in our home that she is obedient for other adults. So, it is clicking....somewhere in there.
Punkinhead, on the other hand, he's a little button pusher with respect to phrases lately. The handful of now-deemed-expletives in our house include:
Yeah wight...
Shut up....
You'we Wude!
Weave me awone!
These words have all come courtesy of a new boy at daycare, and every time I hear them, I get all ruffled up, and hearing the judgment of other women re: my working out of the home, like what Chris mentioned - only worse, b/c the other ladies aren't even there! - begin to wonder, "Am I doing the right thing by my children?"
But, almost as instantly as the other women come into my head, the voice of reason screams, "Giiiiiiiirl, oh no you DON'T! Are you KIDDING me??? You ARE a Mommy Dearest when you're home with them more than 4 days straight!"
Which is why..............
I continue to work outside the home, so that my children can have a Mommy who is balanced, sane, and relatively pleasant to be around. It's not so much that I am self-seeking, preferring my comfort over the kids' security, than it is that I simply wasn't taught how to be a good mother by my own. And, I'm trying to do everything in my power to see to it that they get a better Mommy out of the deal....that means I work; at least some, out of the house.
Besides, when you look at the heart of the matter - the words being parroted by Punkinhead are coming from the influence of another child, not from us! Which is good, because for some reason, I think hypocrisy is awfully hard to explain to a 3 y/o.
The only thing with that though, is the fact that when we talk to him about which words are good/bad and why, he fixates on the "thou shalt not say _____" message, and turns into the neighborhood Vocabulary Gestapo. Mama, _________ say dat bad woord you don't wike! Which leads me to teaching him about personal responsibility, and how nobody likes a tattler.
Parenting....this stuff just never ends.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Random bullets
To top it, we have WAY too much to do for church tomorrow, money problems are Baaaaaack!, and I have gained 10 lbs in a month, despite 2 weeks of dieting and exercise!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Quote of the Day
Made me giggle. Made another woman say, "Gee has she ever heard Mama say that before?"
I just shrugged and said, "Not quite like that - I use 'making' or 'driving' me crazy - she's just made it entirely her own."
Friday, July 14, 2006
The truth reveals itself....
In the words of Popeye, "I am what I am and that's all that I am."
So, yesterday, I'm running late, had forgotten my java upstairs - said realization occurred after we'd locked doors and gotten in the car. I am a bad, bad word of a woman without a surge of caffeine to get my day going, so I make a mad dash, go unlock the doors, rush upstairs and get it.
Come back out, doors re-locked, and just as my bottom touches the upholstery of my seat, Punkinhead, rather frantically says, "Uh-oh Mommy I foh-goht, I need go potty."
Did I mention I'm late and that the doors have already been locked twice, our bathroom is on the far end of the house from where we were, AND upstairs!?!? Not to mention that I tried SEVERAL times to get him to go prior to this announcement?
"Swowwy, Mommy! I weally weally foh-goht and I need go potty NOW!"
Grrrr, as my fangs start to snarl down the sides of my mouth, I have my irresponsible, yet wonderfully brilliant solution!
I hear myself telling him, "You're gonna pee like a big boy and outside." Whip his pants down, help him with his aim, and he's soon successfully watering the mulch.
I am a bad, bad mommy - how many women would just come up and slap me and ask me, 'do you KNOW what you're starting? Are you completely daft? Besides, this is only going to add to his fascination with the nifty things his penis can do!
So, I then told him, to confuse him all the more, I'm sure, "Honey, you don't do that anymore unless Mommy or Daddy is helping you, ok?"
His answer?
Ok, so bad mommy just might = confidence inspiring, physiology lesson providing mommy, eh?
Charlie Brown was NOT impressed when I told him that night, and said, eybrows
Oh, no, do NOT patronize me, Mr. Fun Daddy, UH-UH, I am not having any of that infuriatingly smug eybrow raise.
"Yeah, well, I'd like to see you do all that I do in a morning and not arrive at the same conclusion; oh and yes, that means I would like a low-carb lunch prepared and ready for me tomorrow morning, thanks very much!"
Puh-lease, since when does he get all sanctimonious about a boy doing what boys do best?Besides, I tell myself, my Punkinhead had that tone in his voice that meant we wouldn't have made it upstairs anyway!
Ahh well.......C'est la vie, particularement ma vie!
That really DOES happen?!? All the things I learned from Seinfeld
Forget bad hair days, ladies, this is all out ugly one day, beautiful the next with no significant changes to the hair, makeup, or wardrobe. I recently experienced this, the other day when I got home from work, I thought, "WHAAAAAT?!? That fugly creature cannot be me!" And then, the next day? Cute... The next day, I had a damn!-I-look-fine day.
* Shrinkage happens.
Now, that is a tidbit I didn't learn in sex ed! Until this episode, I was blissfully ignorant of this phenomenon - and I'd been married awhile before I saw it (I didn't watch Seinfeld until it went into syndication)
- on this same episode, I also learned that some babies really can be ugly, or "breathtaking;" when a couple we know, with a tendency towards the visually un-aesthetic, were expecting, Charlie Brown and I really hoped their baby wouldn't remind us of this episode. We hoped enough cuz that lil boy is adorable - totally NOT breathtaking, lol!
- also learned that lobster was non-kosher (yeah, there aren't many Jews in suburban Colorado - and I admittedly haven't to this day read through the OT books where such aspects of the Mosaic Laws were put forth)
* And, thanks be to Seinfeld, I have a whole new vocabulary
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
¡For the love of Pete Pedro!
12 of the 13 bills passed involve illegal immigration.
From the Colorado Municipal League's July 11th alert, summarizing two of the bills impacting local governments the most: (emphasis mine)
Note that HB 1009 will not go into effect until January 1, 2007, but HB 1023 will go into effect on August 1, 2006.
HB 1009: requires that a governmental entity only issue a license, permit, certificate or other authorization to conduct business (professional or commercial license) to a person who is lawfully present in the United States. A governmental entity must deny any such authorization (or renewal thereof) upon determining that the person is unlawfully present in the United States. The person must prove his or her identity with a secure and verifiable document.
HB 1023: requires each agency or political subdivision of the state to verify the lawful presence in the United States of each person 18 years of age or older who applies for state or local public benefits or for federal public benefits (this does not apply to an applicant who is making the application for the benefit of a person under the age of 18).*any grant, contract or loan, professional license, or commercial license provided by an agency of a state or local government or by appropriated funds of a state or local government, and
"State or local public benefits" include:*any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household or family eligibility unit by an agency or a State or local government or by appropriated funds of a State or local government.
"Federal public benefits" include:*any grant, contract, loan, professional license, or commercial license provided by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States; and
*any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or
*any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit by an agency of the United States or by appropriated funds of the United States.
Agencies and political subdivisions are not required to verify lawful presence in the United States for the following:
*for any purpose for which lawful presence in the United States is not required by law, ordinance or rule;
*for obtaining health care items and services that are necessary for the treatment of an emergency medical condition of the person involved and are not related to an organ transplant procedure;
*for short-term, noncash, in-kind emergency disaster relief;
*for public health assistance for immunizations with respect to immunizable diseases and for testing and treatment of symptoms of communicable diseases whether or not such symptoms are caused by a communicable disease;
*for certain programs, services, or assistance, such as soup kitchens, crisis counseling and intervention, and short term shelter specified by federal law or regulation; or
*for prenatal care.
An agency or political subdivision must verify the lawful presence in the United States of applicants for federal or state or local public benefits by requiring the applicant to
(a) execute an affidavit stating that he or she is a United States citizen or legal permanent resident or that he or she is otherwise lawfully present in the United States pursuant to federal law, and
*a valid Colorado driver's license or a Colorado ID card; or
*a US military card or a military dependent's ID card; or
*a US coast guard merchant mariner card; or a native American tribal document.
Agencies and political subdivisions are also required to verify lawful presence through the federal systematic alien verification of entitlement program (the "SAVE" program) operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, but the affidavit may be presumed to be proof of lawful presence until such verification can be made.
The bill allows agencies or political subdivisions to adopt variations of the affidavit requirements to improve efficiency or reduce delay in the verification process, so long as the variations are no less stringent than the requirements of the bill
In other words, the grant dollars my City's office awards out cannot be used to provide services to -pick the term most in keeping with your views-
HB 1001: Limits state economic development incentives to employers who do not employ employees who are not lawfully present in Colorado. Encourages local governments that participate in economic development incentive programs to develop standards to ensure that all employers who are awarded economic development incentives employ only United States citizens or people who are lawfully present in the United States and have authority to work.
HB 1002: Clarifies that provision of health services for communicable diseases (including AIDS) are available to all regardless of immigration status.
HB1014: Authorizes the Colorado Attorney General to pursue available remedies to recover reimbursement from the federal government for costs incurred by the state in dealing with illegal immigration. (Hah! Fat chance!)
HB 1015: Requires increased income tax withholdings for employees who fail to provide a validated social security number or tax identification number.
HB 1017: Requires an employer, for each newly hired employee, to affirm(a) that the employer has examined the legal status of the newly hired employee and retained file copies of documents examined,(b) that the employer has not altered or falsified the employee's ID documents and(c) that the employer has not knowingly hired an unauthorized alien. Requires the employer to keep a written or electronic copy of the affirmation.
HB 1020: Refers a question to the voters asking to eliminate a state income tax benefit for businesses that pay an unauthorized alien to perform services. Also prohibits certain wages or remuneration paid to an unauthorized alien from being claimed as a deductible business expense for state income tax liability purposes.
HB 1022: Refers a question to the voters asking if the Colorado Attorney General should initiate or join other states in a lawsuit against the United States Attorney General to demand the enforcement of all existing federal immigration laws by the federal government. (Gee, wouldn't this be nice - but how enforceable/reasonable is it to demand payment/enforcement from the feds when 1: we have a deficit that's SKY HIGH, and 2:Federal gov't is unable?/unwilling? to enforce their immigration laws)
SB 4: Prohibits the extortion of immigrants. (Man - I'd support this if a word was swapped with "extortion" - that being "exploitation." But as written, it appears those sneaking immigrants in is now illegal...wait, wasn't it before?)
SB 5: Prohibits the coercion of involuntary servitude by threatening immigrants. (I can support this one!)SB 7: Creates a felony offense for any person who votes in any election knowing that the person is not entitled to vote in such election. (I also support this one. Election officials should be so much more above that, and in harmony with our Constitution - which says, if you don't know, that voting is exclusive to CITIZENS of the US....DUH!)
I dunno....some of this new law hurts me to see, because I am a Christian - a citizen of Heaven, called to love my neighbors - some of whom are from a different country, hurting in a corrupt nation and merely trying to make a better life here, FIRST.
A citizen of the US, SECOND. I am called to be IN this world but not OF, AMEN?
Now, I know folks like the ACLU would not let that logical, spiritual rhetoric fly, but what about our Christian forefathers, who truly were American citizens for Civil Liberties? What about my Christian contemporaries?
Have we got it wrong somehow?
And what about the fact that out of all of this, the children of undocumented residents get hurt the most? They didn't ask their parents to come over, for good or bad intentions, illegally.
What about those people of Hispanic descent who have been in the US for years, generations even, legally, and just as much a citizen as white bred, red headed step-children like me? A recent letter to the editor in my paper illustrates just how much hatred and division is being focused toward them. Methinks the civil rights movement is reborn, with Hispanic/Latino being the new Black.
And I don't like it...not one bit!
Grrr....I've got to think on this one for awhile...
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
Today's our anniversary. 8 years ago today, if someone had told me with conviction and foresight, just exactly what lie ahead for us, Chuck would have been stranded at the altar! Even if that person told me just how good our marriage could (and would) become, I'm convinced that I would have said forget it when faced with the hardships of the first 6 years.
Thank the Lord that life doesn't work that way! I was just a Christian baby when we married, and pretty young irl too - 19. Those first six years were tough, but I got out of it a deeper faith, a better understanding of commitment, and a chance to see God's work while in progress! I think so many of us expect to see God's final draft for our lives, like, NOW - but it's really a constant work in progress, largely due to our free will. That tiny little factor makes such a huge difference in the work of the Lord.
Charlie Brown, I love you, more than I thought would ever be possible. I love to see you father our children, giving them a daddy that is the wish of many children. They love you so much, and that thrills my soul! I love watching you seek the Lord out more and spend more time with Him; and seeing the trickle-down effects of that in our lives. You've been so kind, patient, and gentle with me on the things that really matter (those other, more trivial things? Let's talk ;-) ) and that has been so meaningful and appreciated by me. This upward trend we've been experiencing the past two years is awesome - let's stay like this for a long time, 'kay?
Love you babe - always will.
Happy anniversary!
------note from 7/12:
Last night, Chuck and I had a fabulous meal at On the Border with Punkinhead (LMNOB is at Nana and Papa's for the week). We went home, put Punkinhead to bed, and sat down to watch 48 Hours;Mystery. Within 10 minutes, we were both sound asleep in each other's arms. When I woke at 9:45 and noted we'd missed half the show, I nudged him awake, and said, "Let's go to bed. I suppose falling asleep like this on our 8th anniversary proves we're just an old married couple."
He would have none of it, and retorted, "Hmm, Saturday night at 11, Sunday night at 12:30, and last night at 11 - old married couples don't have track records like that." No - those weren't when we hit the sheets, they were the times we were movin' the sheets! ;-)
I suppose he's right?!?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Note to telemarketers:
Friday, July 7, 2006
I have had this theory..
In other words, I thought that since we all have common phone access, a common DNA connection that assumes we're equally tied to the other, means of transportation, etc., that my family of origin would communicate in a somewhat reciprocal manner.
History though, has shown that this theory of mutuality is BS - an idealistic notion of a young woman, haplessly enthralled with a sense of equitable treatment.
Even Charlie Brown has seen in his family, which is generally balanced in the give and take of familial communication and demonstration of care, particularly when it comes to his brother's family, that the theory has been debunked.
Granted, this is not my entire family I'm talking about. Big'n'tall Bro gets it. Li'l Sis gets it (sorta). But my littlest brother and my mother, yeah, they're the ones who falsified my hypothesis - thus bringing ruin to my nice little theory.
"Don't call me, I'll call you." Yeah.......right.
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Good one bro...Shhh, don't tell mom!
For reasons beyond my own comprehension, my mom has started checking this site out, and it makes me wonder if I'll censor myself just to keep her opinion of me favorable. Most likely though, I'll just assume my mom loves me no matter how crass, or sexist, or stupid I may present myself to be on here. In a way I guess, a mother's love for her son is like herpes. It's forever. I guess I could have said a diamond from Zale's instead of herpes, but wheres the humor in that?
That assumption you make is correct, dear brother, for my view of you. Hers? I dunno. All I know is I didn't risk the question of self-censoring b/c she doesn't have the link to my inner sanctum - at least not to my knowledge.
I miss you....and when in tarnation are you just gonna call me and say, "Hey, was thinking about you," instead of always relying on me for that?
P.S. your boss does sound rather bitchy - if you go Boeing 757, just take precaution and avoid self-destruction in her demise, okay?
EDITED TO ADD: Ooops, the joke's on me - I let the URL out of the bag by sending the link of this post without thinking - Welcome Ma, just don't get offended at anything you may see here, and we won't be talking about it, FYI. This is my venting outlet.
Monday, July 3, 2006
Having The Proper Perspective - An Interesting Letter
"Dear Mom and Dad, I'm sorry to be so long in writing, but all my writing paper was lost the night the dormitory burned down.
I'm out of the hospital now, and the doctor says my eyesight should be back to normal sooner or later.
The wonderful boy, Bill, who rescued me from the fire, kindly offered to share his little apartment with me until the dorm is rebuilt.
He comes from a good family, so you won't be surprised when I tell you we are going to be married.
In fact you always wanted a grandchild, so you will be glad to know you will be grandparents early next year."
Then she added this postscript:
Please disregard the above practice in English composition. There was no fire. I haven't been in the hospital. I'm not pregnant. And I don't have a steady boyfriend. But I did get a D in French and an F in chemistry, and I wanted to be sure you received the news in proper perspective.
Love, Mary."
Oh, how I laughed. So true, isn't it?
Sigh... the preacher later talked about attitude in the context of Paul in Acts Chapter 23 and on. Paul at one point, "cheerfully defends" himself to those who've imprisoned him. Wow, what an example!
Another bit about attitude, courtesy of Rudyard Kipling:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!